O N E || E N T R A N C E

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E N T R A N C E 

Be Spontaneous

My sister's words echoed through my head from the moment I first entered my new and, hopefully, the last school.

And because of that, I'm now sitting with the principal. In silence. His green, judge-y eyes staring into my soul.

All of this, because one girl couldn't handle my confidence. Tsk tsk. Disrespectful.

I take a deep breath and walk into the building with confidence. Ignoring each and every stare, probably because of my motorcycle helmet on my hip, I look for someone who knows how to act like a decent human being and ask them where the front office is.

My eyes catch a girl who seems approachable. She has faded pink, mid-length hair with curls at the end. She was heavy on make-up making her look all greasy. She's wearing black, ripped jeans and a cropped grey hoodie that she paired with combat boots. She has some type of Starbucks drink and is mindlessly chattering with a short brunette.

In retrospect, she wasn't very approachable, but anyhoo, back to my flashback.

"Hey, I'm new here and I wa-"
"Who gave you the right to talk to me?" She spits.

Huh? Okay, Let's try this again.

"I'm sorry. I just wanted to kn-"

The pink-headed girl turns towards the brunette. "Look, I didn't know rats could talk."

Um no ma'am, but deep breaths...... Okay, last time.

"Hey, I just want to know where the front office is."  My voice raises a little out of annoyance.

The pink-haired girl scoffs and getting way too close for comfort, puts on a smile. "Look here, you little rat. I don't know who you think you are coming into my school looking like that, but you obviously need to be put in your place."

I just stare at her while she takes a sip of her drink with a victorious smile.

Okay, that's it.

I take the pink-haired girl off guard by dumping her ' Vanilla Frappé with no whip, extra low fat with no milk.'  all over her. That probably didn't even make sense, but I don't care. She screams and starts to move her hands like a bird as if that's going to fix everything. "How dare you?!" She yells.

"How dare you?!" I mock her by making my voice higher than it is.

"Who do you think you are?" She steps closer to me.

"I'm the girl who doesn't give-"


Both of our heads snap towards the voice that drips with demand and authority.

"You," He points at me, " Come with me." I take one last look at the raggedy Princess Peach and find her smiling. As I pick up my helmet and stalk off with the teacher, I make eye contact with a few students who quickly look away except for one.

His eyes were so captivating. So demanding. One green, one gray;  a beautiful meadow clashing a stormy sky. His face sprinkled with freckles where the summer sun-kissed his cheeks. His auburn hair was unkempt like he just rolled out of bed. He had a bit of defiance to him, a careless vibe.

His eyes followed mine as I continued after the teacher, only breaking our trance once I turned the corner.

And there I was. Me in front of the principal, who I actually thought was a teacher. He just stared at me; narrowing his eyes every few seconds. It felt very unsettling. "What's your name?"

"Roxxane Storm."

He typed my name into the computer. He clicked enter then leaned back in his chair. While he did that, I looked around and saw the plaque on his desk with a name on it: MR. JACOBS, ASST. PRINCIPAL. "Do you go to school here?"

"Yes, sir, I do. I enrolled today." I said matter of factly as I looked back at him.

"Oh, that explains why your name didn't pop up; But really on the first day, already causing trouble?"

"Sir, I just wanted to know where the front office was, and then she went off on me."

"No, not Chloe. She's such a nice girl."

Oh, so the little raggedy Princess Peach is named Chloe. Why did they have to ruin such a beautiful name? Such an ANGELic name. See what I did there... you know because of Bratz..... no? Okay.

"Whatever. Am I getting punished or not?" I rolled my eyes.

"Alright," He leaned forward," I'll let you off with a warning because you don't know any rules or regulations here, but it's your only one."

Before I exited the front office, I went to the receptionist to ask for my schedule. I stood outside the door looking out at the classes going on. All AP, yay... Well, except for my electives, of course; Theater, PE, and Computer Design. I started to head to my first class of the day which was Pre-Cal. Once I reached the door, I was about to turn the handle but then stopped. I took a deep breath.

You got this.

I opened the door to see every pair of eyes on me. I paid no attention and headed toward the teacher's desk. "Hi, my name is Roxxane Storm. I'm a new student in your class."









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