"Do we have any volunteers for captains?" Our PE teacher asked and he stood there and threw the soccer ball from hand to hand. A few guys raised their hands, most being juniors. I could see Andrew as he raised his hand along with some of his friends. His friend whispered something in his ear while holding his hand up making Andrew laugh.

"Andrew. Troy. You're captains" Our teachers said and the guy beside him and Andrew did a high five before Troy pushed Andrew slightly forward to stand in front of the big group of teens waiting to be chosen. I meet his eyes and his lips tugged up. I raised my brow in a challenge which he returned.

The choosing started and to no surprise, they went one by one first with their friends then over to the other guys in their grade. From their grade down to most guys in our grade and left stood us girls besides some girls that looked fairly fit already and like they could actually kick a ball. Simon was with Andrew and so was Adam so left stood Nichole and me along with the rest of the girls.

Sexist jerks.

I looked Andrew in the eyes as his friend Troy chose another person and he meets my stare. He had an amused look plastered on his face and my jaw clenched. I'm not sure why but I felt rejected as to why he hadn't chosen me yet. Maybe from all the time, we have been forced to spend with each other or just by the fact that I knew him better than most girls standing around me. If he wanted to be that way, fine.

After Andrew pointed at another girl to come to join her team I made sure the guy Troy looked me in the eyes with determination of being chosen. To my surprise he did.

I didn't even look at him when I walked passed but smiled at Simon that stood close.

"I'm going to destroy your ass" Simon whispered to me.

"I would like to see you try"

"Oh, Lara. Don't you remember last year or do I have to remind you" He said making me turn to him and throw my hands up in the air.

"I slipped!"

"Over the ball? Yes, I saw" Simon said and held my stare before we broke out laughing as I pushed him away.

"I actually trained over the summer," I said to him and held my head high as I crossed my arms.

"With your brothers?"

"Actually yes"

He laughed again "So, in reality, you ran after a ball but never actually even touched it?"

"Ha ha. Very funny" I said but then looked away "I actually touched it like two times" I muttered making him give me a knowing smile.

When the teams were settled Troy went over the game plan which didn't take too long and it was game time.

° ° °

My adrenaline was pumping and my heartbeat was loud in my ears as the ball was by my feet. I ran with it the best I could as I focused on not failing to run with it. The score was 3-3 and I could have done like most girl in class and pass the ball to one of the frantically screaming boys to pass them the ball but I wanted to make a goal. For my own satisfaction and to prove not only Simon but Andrew as well.

I saw someone approaching on my left which made me panic slightly. I looked up as the person ran faster to see Andrew. He was a lot faster than me which didn't help and I knew if I didn't do anything then he would get it. So in the panic of the moment, I did the first thing that came to mind.

I stuck my food out and stripped him.

Now I'm not an expert in soccer but I'm pretty sure if this was a bit more serious then that wouldn't have been allowed but considering coach wasn't looking too much or even cared no one said anything.

Being the Little SisterWhere stories live. Discover now