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The next day they set out to look for Knock Out again. Starscream was flying in his jet mode having now fully recovered.

He was hoping he'd have better luck finding Knock Out with a bird's eye view. They had all split up to cover more ground.

Starscream just hoped they'd find Knock Out alive.

Meanwhile Knock Out came back online with a start. He was fully conscious now but couldn't move or speak. The only thing he could move were his optics.

Then he saw why. Night Wolf had hooked him to another IV and was giving him circuit boosters with one and circuit speeders with the other so he was paralyzed as a result.

"Don't worry I'm almost done with you." Night Wolf said as he undid the chains that had been restraining Knock Out then started beating him with them.

Poor Knock Out could only lay there do to the paralysis he was fully aware of what was going on and could feel all of it but couldn't do anything about it.

Then Night Wolf did something especially crule and broke both Knock Out's servos.

Now Night Wolf could see coolant tears of pain in Knock Out's optics.

"Don't worry it'll all be over real quick." Night Wolf hissed in Knock Out's audio receptors as he pulled him forward and stabbed him in the midsection with his claws.

Knock Out's optics widened in pain as Night Wolf yanked his claws now covered in Knock Out's energon out of the red transformer's midsection. Leaving a deep wound there.

Then he laid Knock Out back on the berth then put a tarp over him like a blanket.

Then he started a drip on both IVs if Knock Out didn't die from his wounds or bleed out then he was going to die from an overdose of both the circuit boosters and circuit speeders.

"Goodbye Knock Out." Night Wolf told the now dying Austin Martin. As he left through the hallway.

He'd been keeping Knock Out in a secret underground bunker that had been leftover from the war that was actually right next to the hospital.

This whole time they had been looking for Knock Out he had been literally right under their noses.

Meanwhile the white and yellow Ravage the others had found had been napping in the bed they'd made for her in the medbay.

When she suddenly woke up feeling bored when she saw an open window and went out it to explore.

Then spotted a bot who she thought looked like he might be fun to play with. And ran over and pounced on him in a playful manner.

"Hey get off me!" "Beat it!" Night Wolf yelled. "I mean it Scram!"

"Just back off!" He continued trying to get the Ravage lookalike to leave him alone.

Then Starscream saw that the female Ravage was bothering who he thought was some random mech. And landed then went over to break it up.

"It's ok she's just playing." He started to explain right up until he saw Night Wolf's claws and recognized him as the bot who'd been after Knock Out and had attacked him in the alley almost killing him or resulting in the lose of his wings or optics.

Starscream quickly tackled the mech and wasn't about to let him get away. Even though Night Wolf was putting up quite a fight.

Then Bumblebee, and Prowl both ran over when they spotted Starscream in a fight with someone. And tried to break it up until Starscream told them who it was.

TargetTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon