A Close Call

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Knock Out woke up in a medical berth in the hospital some hours later. And saw Ratchet was there running some test.

"What happened?" He asked as he looked around realizing where he was.

"You were at Macadam's and someone spiked your energon with mech venom and then one of the paramedics foolishly sedated you." Ratchet explained.

"This just hasn't been my week." Knock Out said leaning back in the berth.

"Luckily we got you here in time so you should make a full recovery after some rest." Ratchet told him. "But we'll keep you overnight for observation."

"But that won't be necessary if I've been given an antidote." Knock Out pointed out.

"If you want to go back to your home that someone attacked you in while you were recharging and vandalized and sent a threatening package to before attempting to set you up then poisoning you." Ratchet said to him in a whisper.

"Good point." Knock Out agreed realizing in his current situation returning home at the time might not be a good idea. "Run as much observation as you need."

Then the others came in to see him having all been worried about him after he was rushed to the hospital.

He was surprised to see Starscream there with them but the seeker explained why he was there and that he wanted to help. And the two made up.

Then he noticed there was another mech with them he didn't recognize.

And the mech explained that he was the paramedic who sedated him and apologized because he really didn't mean to hurt Knock Out he was still in med school and didn't know what he was doing and had mistaken his symptoms for shock.

And Knock Out accepted his apology realizing it was genuine and that he was really a sweet kid. And had just made a mistake. But told him to be more careful next time because as medics lives depended on them getting it right.

And the young paramedic promised he'd be more careful from now on. Then everyone left so Knock Out could rest.

Later that night Knock Out kept hearing something in his hospital room. At first he brushed it off as his mind playing tricks on him.

But then he noticed the window was open and he was sure he'd closed it earlier. So he tried to call the nurse and realized the call button didn't work.

"Ok things just got spooky." He said as he got up and closed the window. Then left his room and was on his way down the hall to tell someone the call button in his room wasn't working.

When suddenly he felt a servo clamp over his mouth and someone grabbed him from behind. But were positioned in such a way that he couldn't see who had him.

And was now struggling with them. When whoever it was forced a blindfold over his optics while keeping their hand over his mouth to keep him from calling out for help. Then removed their servo and quickly replaced it with a gag.

Then dragged Knock Out who was still struggling to escape down the hallway. And slammed him down onto a table then strapped him down so he couldn't get back up.

"Now I'm going to prep you for surgery." Said the same voice that had been threatening him on his com-link and haunting him for the past few days.

Knock Out started fighting against his restraints when he felt whoever it was remove his gag and he started to scream for help but his attacker quickly put a surgical mask over his face and forced him to take cryo-gas to induce stasis.

He was trying desperately to get his face out of the mask but his attacker held it firmly over his faceplats. And after a few seconds the cryo-gas forced him into stasis.

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