Help Me!

366 16 14

Knock Out woke up awhile later after Night Wolf gave him another circuit speeder.

He felt terrible because not only was he still sore from being clawed up but Night Wolf hadn't waited for the circuit booster to wear off before giving him the circuit speeder and the two didn't mix well.

Knock Out felt tired and restless at the same time. He was aware of what was going on but it was heard to stay focused because his mind kept drifting off.

"It's time for your energon." Night Wolf told him. Then he got a cube of energon that he brought over.

Knock Out could tell by looking at it that it was high grade and as a medic knew that high grade mixed with circuit boosters and circuit speeders was never a good idea.

"No please there's no telling what that'll do to me!" Knock Out whimpered. Trying to avoid being given the high grade.

"You have to refuel because I still want to torture you a bit longer and when you die I want it to be from my own servo and not from lack of energon." Night Wolf said darkly as he approached him with the cube.

"No!" Knock Out said as he started to struggle and managed to snap his restraints then jumped off the berth while yanking the IV out of his servo and bolted through the door.

He was dizzy and weak and having to hold the wall for support. But he was determined to get out of there. And had actually made it to the exit but staggered because he felt dazed still feeling drugged from the circuit booster and circuit speeders.

Then Night Wolf quickly caught up to him. And grabbed Knock Out by the shoulders and slammed him against the wall several times.

Before he wrestled him to the floor and forced the high grade down him. Then injected a circuit booster into his midsection and dragged him back down the hallway.

The last thing Knock Out knew before going back under was Night Wolf laying him back on the berth and putting the IV back in his servo and fulling it before tying him back to the berth only with chains this time. Then everything went dark.

"Nice try I think I'll have to either cut down on giving you the circuit speeders or up your dosage of circuit boosters." Night Wolf hissed in the unconscious transformer's audio receptors. Before leaving him there.


Meanwhile at the hospital everyone was trying to figure out where Knock Out was being held because so far they'd had no luck.

Then first aid ran in being chased by what looked like a white and yellow version of Ravage with bright orange optics and everyone started going crazy running through the hallway either chasing it or being chased by it.

"What did you do to make it so mad?" Ratchet asked First Aid.

"I might have stepped on it's tail." He explained.

Then it ran after them and they took off down the hall.

While this was going on. Starscream was talking to Bumblebee his optics still hadn't come back online yet. And he was worried about Knock Out.

"It's just Knock Out is like a brother to me and I can't stand the thought of something happing to him." Starscream said.

"Over here." Bumblebee told him turning him around. "You were talking to an energon dispenser."

"Oh my mistake." Starscream said feeling embarrassed.

"Don't worry we'll find him." Bumblebee told the seeker trying to reassure him.

Just then they heard a crash in the hallway and Bumblebee ran out while First Aid ran in.

"What's going on Bumblebee?" Asked Starscream. Then felt First Aid's head with his servo. "I'm talking to the energon dispenser again aren't I?"

Then they heard another crash and both rushed to the hall.

Then Starscream's optics came back online.

"I can see again." The seeker said feeling overjoyed. Just then he saw them chasing and then running away from the white and yellow Ravage. "Oh scrap."

Then Starscream ran off then came back with a cube of energon that he sat down on the floor and the white and yellow Ravage went over and started licking it up.

Then when it finished it started rubbing against Starscream like a house cat.

"I had a feeling that might work Soundwave would always use energon to get Ravage to clam down." Starscream explained. "Poor thing was starving." "She must be a stray."

"She's kind of cute when she's not trying to rip us into scrap metal." Said First Aid.

"She can stay in the medbay till we figure out what to do with her." Ratchet told them.

After they made the Ravage lookalike a bed in the medbay. They turned their attention back to the task at hand figuring out where Knock Out was and how to save him.

Later that night Knock Out came back online he felt really sick and tired he was so weak he couldn't open his optics. Or move any part of his body.

Not that it would do him much good if he could move being chained to the berth.

"H-help me.." He moaned before going unconscious again.

To Be Continued.

Sorry this chapter was kind of a short one. It was all I could come up with for it. Hope you guys enjoyed it. I'll try to get the next one up soon. In the meantime feel free to send feedback.

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