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It was just another day on Cybertron and Knock Out was working in the medbay when his com-link beeped.

Knock Out put a digit to his com-link as he answered it.

"This is Knock Out can I help you with something?" He asked thinking it might be someone calling to make an appointment.

"I'm going to kill you." Said a mechanical voice that he couldn't tell if it belonged to a mech or a femme.

"Come again?" He asked wondering what this was about.

"Not right away I'm going to make it slow and I'm going to make it hurt." "First I'm going to take everything you care about then I'll take your spark." The voice hissed.

"Who is this?" Knock Out asked. "Is this some kind of prank?" But whoever it was didn't reply and hung up.

"Stupid pranksters." He thought then went back to work until Red Alert showed up to take over his shift.

After he left the hospital he decided to go race with Smokescreen, Blurr (Who was taking time off from the Rescue Bots) and Bumblebee who was visiting on a vacation from leading his team.

The race was fun at first Bumblebee and Smokescreen were neck and neck for third place while Blurr and Knock Out the two Velocitronians were in the lead.

Blurr shot ahead and crossed the finish line and won then Bumblebee followed by Smokescreen.

"Where's Knock Out?" Asked Bumblebee.

"I don't know the last time I saw him was when I left him in the dust on the fifth lap." Blurr told them.

"And we didn't pass him at any point." Smokescreen added.

"Knock Out!" They all started calling their friend's name as they walked around looking for him. Wondering how the Austin Martin could just vanish.

"Over here!" Smokescreen and Bumblebee suddenly heard Blurr yell. And ran to where his voice came from then found him next to an unconscious and banged up Knock Out.

Upon seeing this they rushed over to make sure the red medic was ok. Then after a few minutes Knock Out started to stir.

"What happened?" He asked opening his optics. "My poor finish!" He added seeing that his paint job had been totaled.

"That what we were gonna ask you." Smokescreen told him.

"All I know is one minute I was racing and trying to catch up with Blurr and the next I was waking up here." Knock Out explained. "Guess I must have crashed."

"Glad your OK." Said Bumblebee.

"Yeah but I think I'm gonna go back and call it a day while I buff out my finish and try to fix this damage." He told them as he went back to the hospital.

He didn't say anything because he didn't want to worry them but as a medic he knew that kind of damage couldn't have been caused by a crash he had been in enough fights during the war to know those kinds of injuries were only caused in combat.

But he didn't remember being attacked or in a fight he had been completely honest when he told them one minute he was racing and the next he'd come to at the side of the road. He didn't know what had happened to him but it scared him.

He made it to the hospital without incident and fixed himself up. So he was good as new. Then went home hoping to relax.

He was so worn out after the day he just had that he decided to go straight to his berth and recharge.

But suddenly woke up with a start when he felt something being placed over his optics so he couldn't see. And when he tried to pull it off. He was suddenly slammed down hard against his berth.

And who or whatever it was continued to hold him down firmly. And to his horror he tried to call out for help only to find he couldn't scream because they had put something over his mouth to gag him.

Now he was trying his best to struggle just wanting to get out of there.

"You seem stressed Doctor." He heard the same voice that had called him earlier say. The one he'd brushed off as a prank. "I'll prescribe you a sedative."

Knock Out didn't like the sound of that and started trying to struggle harder but it proved useless because whoever this was was stronger then him.

"Don't worry this'll make you feel real good." The voice said as Knock Out felt something being injected into the joint of his arm.

Then he felt himself going into forced power down. As he was trying to fight the effects of whatever the injection had been.

"Just relax and sleep." The voice hissed in his audio receptor. Then Knock Out knew no more as his body went limp as he fell unconscious.

The next day Knock Out woke up with a processor ache and felt drugged and ended up falling right back into recharge.

Then woke up again and saw that he'd overslept and thought what happened to him had just been a nightmare.

Until he found a syringe on the floor and realized he had indeed been attacked and drugged the night before which had been the reason he'd overslept.

Then he called in sick not wanting to tell anyone what went down afraid they wouldn't believe him or might think he was going insane.

Then he found a package that had been left by his door that was addressed to him. He didn't hear any ticking so didn't think it was a bomb. And decided to open it.

Then upon opening it he screamed and tossed it to the floor. Inside was a dead glitch mouse. And a note that just read. Dead Bot Walking.

Knock Out just put it back in the box as well as the syringe and took some paint and wrote evidence on it.

To Be Continued.

I know I probably shouldn't be starting this story yet but the plot bunnies wouldn't leave me alone. And I'm still working on Starscream a Transformers Story which has three chapters left and I already started one of them just don't know when I'll have it up. And for a disclaimer I own nothing and am only doing this for fun and am making money from this in no way so please don't press any charges against me. Hope you all enjoy the story.

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