I realized when we got onto the main pack territory and close to the pack house because I could see a couple wolves run along the side of the vehicle until Denver waved them off.

"Those are the warriors, they don't let anyone on or off the territory without checking who they are. If you aren't part of the pack, they will detain you for questioning, if you're a rouge they lock you in the cells until the Alpha decides what to do with you. Since you're with me they don't need to speak with you. Now I'm going to bring you to the pack house first to meet with the Alpha, then I will escort you to your Mother's house that she share's with Beta Reid." Denver explained. When we finally pulled up to the pack house It was amazing. It was a massive structure that looked like a modern mountain lodge, with big windows and wrap around decks with glass and metal. It must have been a 4-story structure that had at least 3 different sections and I was in awe, it put Lucas's pack house to shame.

"I'd close your mouth before a bug fly's in there." Denver joked and headed for the front door and indicated I should follow. I tried to keep up, but his legs were so long I had to keep a brisk pace. He led me to the 4th floor on an elevator that's how massive this place was and once we exited it was the first door to the right. He knocked and then quickly opened the door and motioned for me to go in. I didn't realize he wouldn't be joining me till he closed the door behind me without entering and I gasped. I slowly turned to face the giant wood desk that would make a normal sized room seem small, but this room was anything but small. I saw the giant figure sitting behind the desk and I took a breath before I could get myself too look up at the person who was sitting there.

I sucked in a breath when my eyes met the most beautiful grey eyes, I quickly scanned his beautiful face that had both sharp features and also a boyish charm, he seemed to be young for such a powerful Alpha. His short but slightly messy black hair only added to his handsome features and so did his well-built toned body that was slightly hidden by his dress shirt. He didn't say anything for a minute or two, he just stared at me and I knew I was blushing, who wouldn't blush in front of this beautiful man and yes, he was beautiful. Finally, he spoke and his voice suited him perfectly, it was strong yet it made me feel safe and feeling I hadn't felt in a while.

"Welcome to the Lunar Moon Pack Samantha." He said as he stood and that's when I realized he was about 6'5" which towered easily over my 5'4" frame.

"Please call me Sam or Sammie" I replied softly feeling a little shy and inadequate around the large Alpha.

"Sammie..." He said with a soft smile but then his face became slightly more serious.

"Samantha York do you swear your allegiance to the Lunar Moon Pack?" he asked.

"Yes Alpha." I replied and bowed my head respectively.

"Then welcome, I hope you enjoy being part of this pack. I'll have Delta Denver escort you to your mother's house." He replied and sat back down. I felt the need to prolong the conversation, I didn't want to leave yet.

"Did my mother explain why I am here?" I asked, and I saw him wince slightly which confused me.

"Yes, she did and I am very sorry." He replied. Out of curiosity of whether he had a mate I decided to ask, "Who is the Luna of this pack?" As soon as I asked the question he closed his eyes briefly then met me gaze, "There is no Luna of this pack and there will never be a Luna..." he said sadly.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked. I'll go find Delta Denver." I replied quickly and turned to open the door.

"Sammie..." He called softly behind me. I only turned enough to look at him slightly, "Yes Alpha?"

"Don't be sorry for asking the question, feel free to come ask me questions anytime."

"Yes Alpha."

"Please call me Gavin in private." He said and then went back to the paperwork that was on his desk and I exited his office.

"Denver was standing outside the office with a smile on his face."

"What's got you smiling?" I asked.

"You're blushing, I bet you think the Alpha is hot." He laughed and winked at me.

"No...besides he's too old for me..." I said, whispering the second part. Denver was silent till we got to my mother's house which was a cute 2 story dark blue house. He was getting my bags out of the back of the SUV when he looked at me and said, "You know he's only 25."

"Like I said, too old for me. I'm a child to him. Thank you for driving me and escorting me around, I don't know when I'll see you again."

"Tomorrow, I'll give you a tour." He replied with a wink and got back in the car and drove off. I turned and looked towards the house and grabbed my bags and headed for the front door. I went to knock but before my fist made it to the white door it swung open and I was greeted with my mother smiling happily.

"Reid she's here!" she yelled to someone behind her.

"I know sweetie, Hello Samantha welcome home." The large man behind her said as he gently pulled my mother backwards so I could enter the house. He took my bags from my hands and my mom pounced on me and pulled me into the tightest hug of my life. I suddenly started crying, I was so happy to see her, so happy to finally be away from Lucas and the drama that came with him.

"Oh sweetie don't cry." She cooed and she held me tightly.

"I'm just happy to be here, they're good tears." I said and I sniffled and tried to gain control of my emotions.

"Well dinner is ready, I figured we would eat home instead of the pack house tonight, so we could catch up." My mom said as she led me into the dining room. She formally introduced me to Beta Reid her mate who was almost the same size as Denver but older and more serious looking. He was really nice and I was happy my mom had found her mate, even if it had taken longer than expected. After dinner she led me to my new room which was pretty basic but she said we could go shopping so I could personalize it. I gave her a hug and than headed for the bathroom so I could shower and get ready for bed.

I'm Sorry AlphaWhere stories live. Discover now