11 | eleven pipers piping

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chapter eleven!

it's a short one. still, i hope you like it :)

take care,



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N I G H T   E L E V E N


DECEMBER 16, 2006

Wen and Mei are six



The nudge pierces Wen's ribs teasingly after school. He and eight-year-old Wangmin are hiking up the crippling concrete sidewalk that leads to the tobacco-clouded apartment where they live with drunk cousin Mochou.

Wen's lips are pulled in a disgruntled pout. His hand-me-down backpack droops off one shoulder. His navy school uniform is rumpled; the pants rolled at his ankles because they're too big on him; a hole in the sole of his shoes, staining his socks with a spot of mud; his tie most definitely taking up too much room on his narrow chest.

They're all Wangmin's old uniforms--he's in his third year, so Mochou was willing to spend money on a new set for him. Wangmin has always been popular, and he looks the type. His hair is swept back neatly. He has a nice facial structure girls like. He has a curving smile. His uniform makes his shoulders look broad, and the soccer ball tucked under his arm makes him look athletic. And he is athletic. Wen is athletic, too, but he looks....lame.

He knows it's good etiquette, but Wen wishes Mochou just accepted the money Mei's parents offered for a new uniform. I mean, this was his first year of primary school, after all.

Trams and taxis rumble past them. A bunch of kids in shorts and loosened ties shout at each other at the soccer field across the street. The air whips through We's hair with the smell of trash and car exhaust and rain. A trail of Last Christmas waltzes into his ears from commercial stores glowing with rich perfume and knit scarves down the street.

"I don't like her," insists Wen now as his brother looks on teasingly. "She's too loud."

Wangmin snorts with reluctant agreement. "For her name, Wangjing is kind of loud. But you like Mei. And Mei is so freaking loud. Do you hear her in class? She's a know-it-all."

Wen fights the defensive blush working up his neck. "No, she's not. I have to help her with homework all th--"

"Because you want to. You're attached to her hip. Even at recess, you're always with her. Do you know how many girls want to play with you?"

"I don't want to play with girls."

"So Mei isn't a girl?"



Wen chews his lip with frustration, then smacks his brother with his lunchbox. "You know what I meant."

Wangmin laughs. "Listen, I get that you like Mei because she gave you her little scrunchie or whatever--"

"Wai, you said you wouldn't mention th--"

"--but Wen, c'mon. You're better than this. You gotta open your eyes to all the pretty girls who stare at you longingly at the playground."

"Longingly?" he says quizzically.

They cross the street and walk into the comic book shop a few doors from their apartment, feet pattering against linoleum. The man with wrinkled eyes and a dirt-stained beret sucks on a toffee candy behind the counter and calls out a gruff welcome.

It's a tradition for Wangmin and Wen to come to the bookshop after school--Wangmin always buys Wen sweet candy while picking out his favorite manga, some of them with questionable covers Wen doesn't really like looking at. As Wangmin strides with boyish confidence to his favorite aisle, Wen trails after him, patting down his tousled hair.

"I don't care for pretty girls," he argues back now. "I'm fine with Mei."

"Because you don't know better," shoots back Wangmin, tossing his brother a smug look as he swipes up a few copies of manga. "Listen. Tomorrow, you're gonna hang out with me during lunch and recess. You spend the whole afternoon and evening with Mei, anyway. So I'm gonna open your eyes to what cool kids do during school. You loser."


Wangmin just rolls his eyes, picks out a box of Lotte Koala Cookies, and tosses it to Wen. "I'll drag you out there if I have to."

Wen turns the box of cookies over in his hands, then sighs. He thinks of Mei's high ponytail and how sunlight flashes in her eyes and how she shivers as she rolls up the oversized sleeves of her navy jumper. How his heart beats a little too fast when she leans rebelliously away from her table to whisper a sly joke to him during class.

Maybe it would be nice to put some distance. Maybe then, he'd be able to go the day without feeling butterflies fluttering all over his chest. 



wang jing

a girl's name, meaning 'quiet' - 静 means still, or quiet. wangmin points out the irony of this name when he agrees that their classmate, wangjing, is very loud. 

lotte koala cookies

this isn't really a definition but that shit is GOOD. 10/10 would try. they're like hello panda snacks (chocolate-filled cookies) and they were my childhood :')

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