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‼️please read this whole thing‼️

a/ns are annoying as fuck but READ THIS.

fucking do it, or shut the fuck up about me sexualizing minors (i actually don't think anyone has said that but aNyway)

and yes this same a/n is in my other story "suck you"


s t o r y t i m e 🤠

i always thought legal age of consent in korea was 13, and age of majority was 18.

that's why (despite beginning to write this before jaemin's 18th bday) i wrote all the slashy chaps between jaemin and jeno, implied they did the succ, and made the overall theme a lil more mature than my other stories like "alive" or "suck you"

[as for the characters being horny in general, that was because, realistically, a lot of teenage guys are like that (in north america at least, where the story takes place)]

HOWEVER i just heard the age of consent is 20, and age of majority is 19 or smth.

i don't know any of this for sure because different sites on the internet say different things, but anyway.

although i didn't write straight-up smut, and instead implied it, i sexualized minors, if they are indeed minors idFk. and i apologize for it. nothing can excuse what i did. i was ignorant, but i've learned now (or at least tried to because google's a fucking little bitch and won't tell me shiT—) and won't do it again.

ilyasm, and thank you for reading my story!!💓

🄿🄻🄰🅈 🄳🄰🅃🄴 - jaeno/nominKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat