"No, he's almost always here. It's just that today he's playing. He's over there, see?" I motioned towards Mark who had started playing again.

"Where? Oh, I see him now." She said as she took a seat at my side. "Wow, he's fast."

"I know." I said with a small smile as I rested my chin on my palm.

"You look so lovestruck." Amber giggled as she elbowed me gently. "Remember the first time you met him? He was so rude."

"Yeah. I still don't know what made him change his attitude."

"It's because of his mood swings." She said. "I'd happen to see his mood change drastically a lot of times when we were dating."

"How?" I asked curiously.

"Look, one day, Mark was all nice and caring with me. He would waste money in things I didn't really like but I had to pretend I did. Even though I didn't like his gifts, it was a really sweet action. We would go to places either with my ex-friends or only the two of us alone, and we had a really nice time together. Then, next day, when we were at school, he suddenly turned so moody and with his boring stone face. I asked him what was wrong but he simply shook his head, leaving no word for argument. He was even acting aggressive, so much that he would slam the lockers or any other thing for no reason."

"One day, when we got to my house from school and he had been angry and serious all day, he jumped on me like a freaking tiger and started kissing me roughly. Although it didn't bother me that much, I thought he did it because he was tired or something like that, and having sex would be the only way for him to calm down. And for a moment, it did. I don't know why he had to be so rough and desperate, though. As if he hadn't touched me in ages."

"Well, now that's strange." I said suspiciously.

"Yeah. And the most intriguing part is that a few days later he started bullying random boys for no reason at all." She shrugged. "He never told me why he did it. Until I saw how he treated you when he noticed you were staring at him. That's when I noticed how homophobic he was and all those boys he bullied in the past were possibly gay. Or bi."

I thought about what she said. He had been bothering other boys before.

"You say that he stopped bothering you because you told him you were straight, right?" She asked.

"Yeah. But even so... It's still a bit weird. I mean, I don't know if he did really believe that."

I had never thought of that before. What if Mark knows I lied and is just acting nice to later beat me up? I know he saw me kissing Jaida, but that's not still enough proof. Then, maybe he noticed the way I was staring at his body that Friday, and he found out I like him. He could kill me one of these days without me even knowing!

"Has he ever acted aggressive or hateful towards you these last days?" Amber snapped me from my thoughts.

"Well, no. He has been nice. I don't think he hates me."

"Then maybe you're lucky." She said with a small smile. "Maybe he really considers you his friend and it will be that way forever!"

I nodded. "Yeah, I hope so."

"What if he even becomes more than your friend and he says he wants to be your boyyyfriend?" She squealed excitedly.

"Amber, how many times do I have to remind you that he's-"

"Yeah, I know, straight. But... he can be bi too, don't you think?"

"I wish he was, but sadly it's not like that."

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