Episode 7:Need for Forces

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Some time before the proclamation of the Silver Knights

The Emperor wanted options and he wanted them now, the threat that nemesis posed to the Imperium. Just one world at least and the man had attacked Serenity. His own Custodes were with him and with Serenity but there had to be an offensive arm. The Army, no, no good, the Senshi were just a few and had to be a part of protecting Serenity. The man, somehow the Emperor had divined the name of the man. Demande, he had thrown himself into his study of the black crystal and it was potent as a shield and as data conducting. Among other things. He was testing some in his lab and Mars had another sample and a third went to Tekehene and the faction of the Mechanicum that was gathering around her and the Iron Hands and Warriors. Also the II Legion.

So far they had turned up nothing indicating where in the galaxy the Black Crystal civilization could be found. According to reports they would drop from the sky onto largely peaceful worlds and establish a tyranny. After Gulliman had destroyed the Psybrids in a pitched battle that had seen the Ultramarines damaged. Now he had another problem that could be solved only by Astartes. It would take that level of firepower.

The question was, he looked out the window down towards the outer cities of the Palace. Down in the outer Palace was the Crusader Host. They had been on Terra since the things had began, since the Crusade had commenced. Some 200 Astartes of the twenty legions. A good pool to start with.

Tekehene knelt next to Kelbor Hal before the Emperor on the Golden Throne. "I trust that your research into the Black Crystal has yielded results?" He asked looking at them.

"Affirmative." Said Hal looking at the Emperor through his various mechanical lenses that had replaced his flesh and blood eyes. "We have determined that the element is of an alternate dimension. And the reason that it is here is..."

"Unknown." Said Senshi Mercury, the Iron Warriors had gone over how to crack the crystal defenses which would no doubt evolve as they had taken the brunt of the 411th all that time ago.

"Perhaps the Princess might tell us more Sire, I am well aware of the fact that she has been deeply impacted by these events." He looked sidelong at Mercury the status she enjoyed as the Chief technology advisor to the Princess meant that she was close to her in ways that were beyond him.

"My Daughter will reveal what she wishes to say to whoever she wishes to say it too in due time. That will be all thank you."

Tekhene looked at the work order that had been handed down to the Mercurians. Armor, vehicles, ships. For thousands of astartes a whole new legion. The Mercurians believed in innovation and gathered STCs all the same that were given back to Mars. And so the faction she had gathered would set to work.

Lovehammer:SPATHIA ALPHAOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora