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Imperial Palace Laboratories

Near the Primarch Project Sector

Emperors Private Study

It was the sound of the Alarm that roused the Emperor from his mediations. He looked around as the Custodes were already responding. Something was going on. Something in the lower levels. "Sire" It was Valdor, the warrior of the Companions was shocked not to his core and yet he was rattled all the same. The Emperor was a scientist and he was interested in many things that went on. It was not from the room holding the gestation capsules.

"Whats going on Constantine?" He asked his chief bodyguard, the man spoke. "Activity in the section sire...that holds the hall of Leng."

The Leng laboratories were something else, made for a rift. "Come on." Said the Emperor and the Custodes Commander and him went up from the dungeons. It was connected to the laboratories of the Dungeons. The Emperor sprinted and the Custodian captian general followed. Malcador was waiting with other custodes.


"The sensorium has gone, well crazed, mad...we may have to contact Mars if they will send a retinue to diagnose the problem."

Valdor nodded, behind the closed doors the sensors were still going off, a squad of Custodes waited. The Emperor, his Chief Advisor and chief of security stood on the other side of the room. "Sire?" Asked one of the Custodes. Turning and kneeling, "We are ready to breach and clear." There was a sound of wind and wailing and other things.

The Emperor nodded and Valdor affirmed the order. "You heard him Calin." He said to the young warrior. Who nodded once and gave the hand signal to execute.

What awaited the party on the other side of the door was, not the warp, nor was it the webway it was something else entirely. The room was full of scientific instruments some of them had been knocked over, around them were motes of light, spheres, all of it was emanating from the Leng Rift as the Emperor called it, a snarl in space time. The motes floated about the Emperor. He gestured and Valdor moved to the master control of the probes of the rift and silenced the alarm. And the Emperor heard it, whispers from...the beyond.

We must protect her

Where is she?


I never anticipated this.

We have to do something....the city is burning.

Damned Earthers...

Whats going on

It is the end of all things

Women's voices were speaking in the lights, they were, something, the Emperor reached out to touch one of them. He saw images, psychic contact.

The city was grand and it was burning, soldiers armed with the weapons of Old terra streamed through the streets. The fury they displayed was a sure sign of some sort of influence. The Emperor looked towards the Palace where there were blasts of power sending soldiers flying. But it was all for naught. And the Emperor felt the pain as the civilization, humans were wiped out by humans.

"Sire?" Asked Valdor, a hand on the Emperors shoulder. Malcador was looking at the other ones, the other motes. "I'm fine need to worry." Words that had been better left unsaid as the Emperor felt something else, something he had remembered. Chaos.

He was able to shield something from Chaos as it drifted on the warp. He shielded many things, before they disappeared finding peace. Then there was something in real space. A light and that was it. As something had appeared and the Emperor looked at it. A small bundle, the warp was calm around it, a baby. A human baby, her mind was small and the thing was, she was from the rift. The Emperor knew it in the first moment he looked into her eyes.

"Valdor." He said looking at her smiling.

"Yes sire."

"Find a governess, a woman who is lactating, I think that would be good, also some baby things, Ive raised children before so this wont be my first time.."

"Yes sire." Valdor saluted and left. Malcador looked at the child. "Where she came was the moon."

"Like our moon and not like ours..." Said the Emperor as the rift closed up. Leaving perhaps a small blur on reality. Then even then, nothing almost. The Sigilite nodded. "I take it...we have a mystery."

"One that can wait my friend, one that can wait."

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