Chapter 21

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Ladybug and Marinette hugged and said their goodbyes. Ladybug swung her yoyo and finished her patrol. On her way back home, she noticed Chat pacing back and forth on a rooftop.

She stopped and swung over. "Chat? Is everything ok?" He looked back at her, his hair wilder than usual and a worried look all over his face. "No, I messed up, I gave it away that civilian me likes her! I snapped and let the jealousy come over me!"

Ladybug froze, "You're her best friend..." She looked down and then back up at him. "You jerk!" She smacked him on the arm.

"Hey! What was that for?!"

Ladybug glared up at him, "You're messing with her feelings!"

"I haven't even told you what happened!"

"You don't need to! She already told me! The poor girl is a mess! You aren't official with her as Chat and then you act possessive over her as a civilian!" Ladybug said, poking Chat in the chest.

"Wait, you talked to her?" Chat asked, confused. "Yes! And you need to clear things up with her! She's overthinking her relationship with you as Chat, your civilian self liking her, and her inappropriate dance with that guy! She feels like she betrayed you by dancing with that guy. I agree with your point, it wasn't appropriate, but you could've handled it better! Chat you really need to control yourself! You can't continue like this."

"I'll clear things up right no-"

"No," Ladybug cut him off, "She's too stressed, let her sleep. Talk to her tomorrow. If not I'll beat you up. She's too nice to have her feelings fucked with." Ladybug wrapped her yoyo around a nearby building and left without saying another word.

Chat stood there and sighed.


The next morning Marinette woke up a mess. "Marinette! Someone's here to visit you," her mother called from downstairs. Marinette groaned. She just wanted to stay in bed. She sat up as her latch door opened. Adrien stepped inside her room and Marinette froze.

"Hi," he smiled awkwardly. "I know you probably don't want to see me, but I just want to apologize. I acted irrationally last night. I was concerned for you but I could've handled it better. You're my best friend and I don't want to ruin things between us. Please forgive me."

Marinette looked away and thought about it. He was drunk that night, she could faintly smell the alcohol when he pulled her away from Luka. But again, he did have a point. He was genuinely looking out for her and it was good that he did.

"My actions also made it seem like I like you more than a friend, and I want to clarify that I don't have feelings for you, Marinette," Adrien spoke up. It was a lie of course, but he just said it to prevent any confusion and heartache to the girl. She loved Chat, not Adrien. She didn't know about his identity yet. It might cause some troubles when he did reveal himself but he'd rather have that than cause her heartache right now. "You're my best friend and I know you like someone else."

Marinette turned back to him. 'I forgive you,' she signed. Adrien grinned.

'Best friends.'


Chat sat at the Eiffel Tower, waiting for Ladybug to show up. She eventually showed up rather late. It was very unusual for her to be late. She was a very punctual person.

When he heard a thump behind him, he turned to greet his partner. She was crouching down slightly, one hand leaning on her leg for support and the other on her back. Chat immediately got up, "Whoa, are you ok?" He walked over to her but she waved him off.

"I'm... I'm fine, just tired, that's all." She sighed. "Damn are you that old?" Chat asked. Ladybug glared up at him and smacked him on the arm. "Shut it. Did you apologize?"

"As me, yes," he chuckled. "Things are all good. I'm going to talk to her as Chat tonight." Ladybug hummed and nodded, "Good."

She stood up normally and took a deep breath. Chat looked at her with worry. "Are you sure you're ok?" he asked once more. "I'm fine, Chat. I'm heading home now." She swung her yoyo and waved goodbye. She pulled and flew across the sky.

Something was still bothering Chat. Something was up and he wanted to know what it was. But it had to wait, right now he needed to talk to Marinette. He extended his staff and made his way over to Marinette's place.

She was already sitting on her balcony. She sat on her chair, looking at the ring. Chat landed next to her, startling her. Chat chuckled. She scared so easily.

Marinette turned to him and sadness immediately washed over her face. "What's wrong? Why is my princess so down?" he asked, sitting down and pulling her onto his lap.

"Did I do something wrong?" She nodded slightly. "What did I do to upset you?" He already knew of course, but she didn't know he knew. 'This is so cliché, but what are we?' she asked. "You're my princess and I'm your Knight in shiny leather."

Marinette frowned, 'Seriously!' Chat chuckled, "Ok, ok. You can be my girlfriend and I can be your boyfriend. How does that sound, princess?" Marinette blushed and her heart fluttered. "Do you want that?" he asked. Marinette slowly nodded her head.

Being official made things different. Yes they had kissed and even slept in the same bed, but being asked out made Marinette feel so lightheaded and happy. She was officially his girlfriend.

"Great!" Chat grinned. He gave her a peck on the lips, leaving her flustered. Before he could say anything, Marinette sat up straight. She looked at him and smacked him on the arm. "What was that for? Geez, why do I keep getting smacked on the arm? We're official now, what's wrong?" He asked.

Marinette brought her hand up to his face. "The ring? What about it? Does it need to be fixed?" he asked, confused. 'It's Harry Winston!' she mouthed. "Yes? Did you want Tiffany or Cartier? I can get you another one."

Marinette blinked. 'It's expensive!' Chat froze. Ohhhh. Oh shit. Chat hadn't thought about the price. He had been looking for gifts and stumbled upon the ring. He bought it without a second thought. It was perfect and he knew she'd love it.

Chat had completely forgotten that Marinette would obviously know about the very high end brand. She was into fashion. Why wouldn't she know the brand?

'How did you get it?' she asked. "Princess, that's not important. I got the ring because it was perfect for you. The price wasn't a big thing for me - if that's what you're worried about."

'Do you come from money?' she asked. Chat hesitated before nodding. 'You still didn't need to get me something so expensive,' she pouted. He chuckled and kissed her. "I'd do anything for you, princess."

Marinette's face saddened again. "What else is bothering you?" Chat asked. 'I danced with an older boy, I'm sorry. I didn't know it was wrong and I didn't realize he had some feelings.'

"Did he do anything to you?" Marinette shook her head. "And did it go any further than dancing?" She shook her head again. "Then you have nothing to worry about princess. I trust you and I know you wouldn't betray me, so you don't have to worry about it, ok?" Marinette nodded and smiled, resting her head on his shoulder. 

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