Get It (Chapter Sixteen)

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Today. Today's the day I land this quad axel. I've had enough of falling on my butt. That's what I said to myself as I walked into training that morning, super early if I might add.

I put on a poker face as I listened to hey hey by Superchick on my phone. I dropped my bag; a little dramatically, and started putting on my skates. The cleaners had already begun getting the ice cleaned so I had to sit and wait. The nerves all over my body kept jerking, forcing me into some sort of movement. I decided to start stretching.

When they were done cleaning, I just went straight to the ice and glided, feeling the cool air on my face and getting into my zone. I kept the poker face while trying to do a performance to the song I was listening to.

I glided and started with a triple lutz, smiling when I landed perfectly. The beat was a little fast and in my rush to keep up with the tempo, I started a quad axel and fumbled on the third turn, falling again on my butt. Well, there goes my confidence.

"Play time's over. Let's get started on those upright and sit spins." Coach made himself known.

"Well, instead of doing that, why-"

"Hop to it, kid!" He clapped in the most condescending way.

"Fine!" I grumbled.

I launched right into a scratch spin and then a Biellmann spin.

"What's the point of doing this? We're wasting time."

"I'm teaching you to be patient... and to shut up. Now stop."

I stopped and waited.

"Now, sit spin."

I kicked off with a death drop jump in the air and went into a sit spin with twist variation.

"Okay warm up time is over. Now let's get started on your routine."

With that, we delved right into practice. Seth made me try the quad axel a total of eighteen times before we both gave up and focused on perfecting a routine without the quad axel, again. I fumbled a couple of times when doing the quad lutz and got the landing four times so that was a permanent fix. I just needed to smoothen out the landing always.

Before we knew it, the time had gone way ahead of us and it was a few minutes past four. I hadn't eaten yet, I only stopped for water during practice.

"Okay, now, as you know, national championships and Olympic team tryouts are coming up quick. This obviously means, you will be put to test with the very best in the country - I don't need to mention names, you know them all. So, training is going to get a lot harder. We are going to try adding a four spin combo to your routine and if possible, five. We are still not ruling out the quad axel. You will keep practising it till you get it and I will do my best as your coach."

"Okay. Understood."

"Alright, training's over for the day. You can go now."

I packed up my things and made my way out of the rink. I heard someone call out after me.

"Um hi! Hello! Matt?" She ran up to me.

"Heyy..." I said, feeling unsure about talking to the girl.

"Um so uhh... You... Ugh. I'm just gonna lay it out there. Is there a way I could get Scott's number? I had no idea you guys know each other." She smiled sweetly.


"Yeah duh, Scott Foley? The gymnast? God he's so hot." She squealed.

"I don't know a Scott." I lied, for no reason.

"Then how are you in a picture with him?" She showed me her phone, revealing pictures of Scott and I kissing, with an article titled "Scott Foley is gay. Find out more about him and his beau." Well, damn those reporters.

I picked up the pace then called a cab, sliding in with ease and I shut the door. She tried to run after me and open the door but the driver, bless his soul, already started driving.

"Where to?" The man asked and I gave him the address. He drove with good speed, probably sensing the feeling of urgency.


I opened the doors to see Scott talking with people who obviously were his PR team. He caught a glimpse of me and abruptly stopped talking.

"I guess we're done here everyone. Thank you." They started filing out one after the other.

"Hey." I said when we were alone.

"Hi. How did training go?" He faked a smile.

"Oh the usual. Still not sticking that quad, but my routine is ready."

"That's great!"

"So what's up? I mean with the whole meeting thing?"

"Nothing really." He said, his expression giving away nothing.

"Nothing that um, you know, involves me and you got posted online?" I raised an eyebrow and smirked.

"You know about the photos."

"Yep. So what do you want to do about the situation?"

"I'll probably make a public announcement at an upcoming event. It's still being deliberated on."

"Okay then."

"So... did you uh, miss me?" He leaned in and pecked my cheeks, hugging my side.

"I gave you two weeks mister. Fyi, its almost two weeks since our deal and you've proved nothing." I lightly pushed him away.

He brushed my hair up with his hands, staring at me for a few seconds.

"Go freshen up, let's head out for a bit."

"Freshen up? Yes. Head out? Are you serious right now?" I looked at him incredulously.

On my way up to shower, the thought of something hit me and terrified the hell out of me. I ran back to Scott.

"Oh my gosh! What's your mom going to say? She's going to hate me now." Or even send me packing.

"Relax, it'll be okay. We're together and my mom has no choice but to respect that."

I took longer than necessary in the shower, I felt dizzy at some point because I was hungry. I got dressed in grey sweatpants and a white tee. I smelt something cooking on my way down, so I went straight to the kitchen. I saw Scott cooking and my my jaw dropped.

He handed me a mug of hot chocolate casually. I just stared at this demigod who was wearing a henley shirt and black jeans, with an apron.

"It's not as hot now though. And I thought I'd cook you something since we can't go out. Stir-fry noodles is like the only thing I can cook. I added some chicken to it." He said, oblivious to my staring.

"You are THE best. Thanks" I downed half the mug at a go.

"Hungry?" He bit his lip and gave me a smoldering look while stirring the noodles, making the whole thing sexy as hell. The sleeves of his henley shirt were pushed close to his elbows.

I felt the atmosphere change when he turned the gas off, covered the pan and walked towards me. He grabbed my face in his hands and kissed me while I carefully dropped the mug of hot chocolate on the counter. I wrapped my hands around his neck and returned the kiss, making him growl lowly.

He carried me up on the counter and stood between my legs, grabbing my waist and pulling me close to him. We jumped as someone coughed. I opened my eyes to see Mr. Donald.

"We should eat. The food's getting cold." Scott said to me.

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