The kitchen.

It was my dream to become a chef but.. not all dreams come true I guess.

A small sigh escaped my lips as I began to start our most important meal of the day.

Jimin started to like blueberry so I placed a few inside the batter, and Jungkook likes strawberries so I just did my magic.

And for Jonghyun.. I made him a bottle and decided to later on buy some applesauce for him to try out.

"Aigoo.. I'm such an amazing mother and lover.." I praised myself as I started to place the finishing touches, setting up the table.

"Jungkook! Jimin! Jonghyun! Breakfast is ready!" I called out as I placed the glasses of milk down, smiling to myself before checking the bottle to check if it was too warm or cold.

Small feet ran down the hallway as he tackled my legs, giggling, as he looked up at me.

"C'mon Minnie.. time to eat up.. Hope you're ready for your first day of preschool. I bet you that you're going to make a lot of new friends." I cut up his pancakes into little bites.

A small pout became visible as he looked up at me, shaking his head.

"No! I only want Yoonie to be my best friend.. I wish Yoonie was bigger so that we can be in school together.." He ate until he stuffed his cheeks.

"He will be once he reaches your age Minnie.. I have a feeling that he's a genius." I reassured him before Jungkook came in, holding our other beloved angel.

He kissed my cheek before taking a seat as I took Jonghyun away from him, kissing his chubby cheek before sitting down.

I placed the bottle's nipple to his lips, chuckling as he eagerly took it in, small sucking noises being made as he started to drink his meal.

I don't think I would've imagined that I would meet the person who ruined my life at first to become apart of my life again.

"Jungkook.. Do you think that I can start college... And try to be a cook?" I asked as he looked up at me with his cheeks stuffed from pancakes.

I just smiled as he quickly chewed to regain his mouth to talk.

"If that's what you want to do then yes. Their are classes that you can do online so you don't have to worry about leaving Jonghyun with strangers. And since Minnie is starting school, you can manage a time schedule so that you can pick him up." He started as he looked over at our mochi who was busy minding his own business to even care about us.

I smiled, liking that Jungkook wasn't so against the idea of me going back to do something that I really would love.

"I'm going to apply for another business job center since the one that I got transferred to really doesn't seem to like us anymore due to all the times we missed work without an explanation." Jungkook stated as he smiled again.

If this was what waking up to every morning would be like then I can't wait for it.

Jonghyun started to whine again so that was my cue to do a diaper change and a quick burping so he can feel more relieved.

"Jonghyun-ah.. How are you so adorable.. You got my handsome looks and you have a smile of an angel's already.. I can't wait to spoil you even more.." I cooed as I placed a bunny onesie on the squirming baby.

Jungkook came in, taking him away to play with him a bit while I went to clean up the kitchen and eat something as well.

Jimin was already trying his best to help me before I arrived and he had syrup all over himself.. which makes me guess that Jungkook placed a lot more after I left.

"Baby.. Go tell Daddy to help you into some new clothes.. Your pajamas are all dirty little one.." I told my child as he scrunched his nose before going to tell Jungkook.

I, Kim Seokjin.. Can not wait until I become Jeon Seokjin.

Already a mother to 2 children and I just wonder what else will happen in the future.



All that's left is the wedding chapter and the epilogue chapter to the story.

And I'll finally put this one up on the shelves.

I'll go back and edit these chapters later on but for now.. I feel like the original will do as I start working on the sequel and my other works.

I currently have a VMIN Soulmate AU, Little Hoseok (Littlespace) AU, NAMJIN AU also out in my works.

I hope you guys show these books the same amount of love that you gave this one (:

My Namjin story will be one that I'll keep on working alongside the sequel so check out MONO ;;


It's you Again || K.SJ + J.Jk [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now