We Got New Sacrifices

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Yeah, we're a little hyper if you couldn't already tell

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Yeah, we're a little hyper if you couldn't already tell.

Well, the past few months have been crazy. Why?

Oh shit bro, you asked the wrong question. I'mma rant now. 

Get ready.

Well, first of all, the animals ran away. I mean, did we scare them that much?! Why did they have to run away? This is their home for gods' sake! They're not supposed to run away like that. They're just NOT supposed to, okay? *sniffles* 

You know what happened next? You won't believe it. Guess what? Guess. Okay, fine. We'll give you a hint. Guess where we found them. In a mental asylum that's where! Is there even a mental asylum for animals?! Well, apparently there is! Ughhh. 

But good news is that, apparently, they were cured and could be sent home. The better news is that they wanted to come home! I think the asylum scared them way more than we did (if that's even possible but we're starting to think it is). Anyway, yippee, they're back!

Second of all, we lost members left, right and centre until we were only left with two - Rush and Suru. I mean, we get it. There's school, college and stress and whatnot but we would have appreciated a heads-up that's all. We aren't angry or anything. It just gave us a wake up call. That being that we needed to choose our new members ASAP

So we did. After days of going through the application, we short-listed and PM'd them and got responses. Then we finally short-listed that short-list and ended up with our new members.

So please welcome, our new sacrifices.. oops, we mean members.

Hopefully, you guys don't desert us and stay ACTIVE.

Give us a week heads-up if you're gonna resign or suddenly find yourself in the middle of the Bermuda Triangle, kay? Thanks!

[you guys just scrolled down here didn't you? of course! who wants to see you rant. it's okay guys, be honest. we really want to know. why? we may or many not have a bet going around lol)


Shayms-IcyOrchid_wintermoon-cherryyblossomRaySolem,  MiaOswald and assasinful!

We'd like to welcome you to our family!

Just a few rules:

1. Don't let the animals escape

2. Do NOT touch Suru's food cuz food is bae

3. Rush is awesome and you must agree

4. idk that's it 

5. oh right, be ACTIVE

Well, guys, please wait for a PM from us. This may take some time as we're just sorting out the prizes of Talent Search before your entry as we want to present ourselves to be as organised as possible.  

In the mean time, please enjoy your last few days of freedom! ;) 

Signing off for now.

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