Interview || @DyingForCookies

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Can you believe it guys?

Graphic Contest #20 has ended with a grand winner already!

We're just five contests away from getting quarter century lol.

The winner of the 20th Graphic Contest is the awesome DyingForCookies!!!

We just have two jobs. They're to show you their fantabulous graphic and also to present their interview!

Let's take a look at the graphic that won them the contest, shall we?

Let's take a look at the graphic that won them the contest, shall we?

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Well then, let's get to it!

Well then, let's get to it!

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It's BEAUTIFUL isn't it?

It's BEAUTIFUL isn't it?

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And now.. for her interview:

When did you start making graphics? Why?

Mhh, honestly I don't remember the exact time, but I guess I make graphics for around ... a year? I guess so. Maybe almost two. And why? Because I love designs and graphic stuff, I am very interested in painting and other art stuff as well. So I wrote a short story once (I think it was near the end of 2016) so yeah I basically wanted a cover for that so having a cover made by my own was my motivation.

Who inspired you to make graphics?

Mhhh, nobody actually. I have no one in my family nor friends who have been into this kind of hobby. So I did myself :D

Who's your favorite designer(s) on Wattpad?

I loooove sereneur's graphics. I also look up to MuffinsBlood's graphics and I love vibrantlysassy's vector graphics.

What do you find amazing about making graphics?

What I find really amazing about making graphics is the idea of creating something new. You take something that already exists and create it in your way - you design something that has your stamp on.

Which program do you use? Any tricks on that program you know?

I use picsart for editing, and Font Lounge, Font Candy and FontStudio for my Fonts. I don't know any hacks ... I guess ... :D 

Favo(u)rite thing to design?

I design bookcover the most, but honestly I love doing aesthetics ... and moodboards. I don't make them often, and I'm honestly not good at it, but it makes fun so :)

Any advice?

Try again. You will always improve with trying even though your second, third, fifth attempt might be unperfect - you'll improve and when you thought that you won't improve, you'll still improve just by doing. Idk how to explain it, but that's mainly the reason why I exchange my covers a lot. It doesn't mean that the covers I made earlier are much worse or something, but just looking at my style it changed a lot - and that's development

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