🍥Chapter Twenty-Five🍥

Start from the beginning

I'm back in the game.

I heard the bell being banged twice, indicating that it was breakfast time. I quickly got out of bed and opened the curtains wider, allowing streams of sunshine to intersect the room.

"Ughhhh!" I heard Marcy groan into her pillow. Usually it was her doing this to me. I smiled brightly into the blank sky. "Good morning Noble Sisters Acade-" I shouted but I couldn't complete my sentence because a pillow was thrown to my head, making my head hit the window pane.

I turned my head and saw Marcy looking at me with fury in her eyes.

"Hehehe," I laughed dryly giving a half smile and she shook her head and fell back into her bed.

"Psycho, it's Sunday and on top of that it's 7.30! In the freaking morning!" She exclaimed, putting emphasis on the word 'morning'. "Are you sick or something? You don't even wake up at this time on school days, " Marcy groaned turning to lie on her stomach and putting a pillow on her messy chestnut hair, sinking her face into the bed.

My eyes turned back to the trophy, sunbeams hitting its surface causing it to shine brilliantly. A smile formed on my as I thought about last night.

John, I thought as I took in what happened last. If it didn't rain, what would've happened? I brought both my hands to my face and tapped my cheeks.

Snap out of it Nat, you're just confused that's all.
I looked to the floor and there in a mountain pile on the ground were my clothes, still soaking wet from last night. I looked carefully at my soaking wet hoodie and noticed something white sticking out of the pocket.

Shit, I swore under my breathe as I quickly knelt and pulled my iPod out of the pocket.

My iPod was soaking wet and the morning energy in which I had a few seconds ago vanished into thin air. The guilt overcame my body because my poor iPod didn't deserve this.

That's it, and idea snapped in my head.


I watched a YouTube video about a guy putting his wet phone into a bag of rice and after 24 hours it started working again. At that time I thought it was total BS. Don't get me wrong I still do, but right now I'm desperate.

I hurriedly put on slacks and a white shirt, shoved the soacked iPod into my slacks and ran out the room, shutting the door with a loud bang.

"Nat! Seriously!" I heard Marcy yell from inside the room.

"Sorry," I apologized, knowing full well she wouldn't be able to hear me. I quickly ran down the stairs, two at a time and headed straight for the cafeteria. The place was practically empty. Which could mean two things. One, everyone could still be sleeping or two, the zombie apocalypse has begun.

Yeah, everyone's still sleeping.

Once I reached the cafeteria, I slowed down and opened the door.

Dammit, I swore, as the door wouldn't budge.

I ran to the front door and twisted the knob. The door produced a sound that it was open and I pushed the door wide and ran in.

To my horror, everyone was seated on the seats and all eyes were on me.

Just slightly in front of me was Mrs. Walker. She tilted her head to see what everyone was looking at and when she noticed that it was me, she narrowed her eyes. She scanned me from head to toe and shook her head disgracefully.

"Miss Roberts, what is the meaning of this?" She spoke into the microphone which she normally only uses during announcements.

"Umm..." Was the only answer I could give.

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