Special Chapter 3

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~(Y/N) Pov~
"Alucard!!!!" screamed Integra to which I responded with a laugh.  Alucard on his to Integra appeared through my wall to glare at me before continuing on his way to his destination. I knew at that moment I had to follow and find out just what was about to happen, I just knew it was going to be good.
"It's about time you showed up and (Y/N) you followed as expected." Integra stated as I stepped through the door shortly after my name was mentioned.
"What can I say Sir I have a nose for trouble," I stated with a straight face.  "surly you don't mind me watching and learning." I was almost positive that was a phrase humans used in present time. Without waiting for a response I walked over to the left corner of the room closest to the door and stood watching tentivly.
"Alucard you've given two of our soldiers heart attacks in the last week from appearing through walls." Integra stated.
"Always expect the unexpected." Alucard mused.
"You've also walked in in several of our female agents whilst they were using the washroom." Integra continued looking frustrated at Alucard.
"Got to keep them on there toes, from predators." Alucard responded smugly. I had been lucky or rather he had been lucky that he hadn't attenpted this stunt on me, he wouldn't be walking right now if he had.
"Which is why I had Walter make a bell for you no more unpleasant surprises." Integra stated as Walter walked forward.
"Nope." Alucard stated as he backed up towards the wall.  "oh no you don't Alucard !" I stated quickly restraining the tall devil incarnate, "I fully support this plan." I grinned as he tried with most of his strength to break free of my restraint. Walter walked over and managed to clip the collar around Alucards neck whilst avoiding his fangs. "Traitor." Alucard muttered to me. "I fully support this plan." I chuckled, "I'll here you from a mile away...literally." I let go of Alucard and he skulked into the shadows. Knowing full well I enjoy when Alucard is tormented I I followed the sound of the ringing bell back to his room where he was sat sulking in his chair. "There there Alucard don't be such a sore loser, it's hardly befitting of man your age." I laughed as I walked down the dusty stairs down into his view. "Who's the one really being childish here?" Alucard asked taking a swig of blood from his usual wineglass. "I am very much acting my age Alucard, this is pretty tame in comparison to the punishments I would have conjured up." With that I walked over and sat on the arm of Alucard's chair leaning over and flicking the bell a few times earning me a few dirty glares. "I hate to cut my visit short but I wish to take a nap," I state jumping to my feet and heading towards the stairs once again, "enjoy." 


~Third person P.O.V~

(Y/N) was peacefully curled up in a lose ball on her bed finally getting the sleep she had been craving for weeks since the Hellsing mansion was always buzzing. She had warned Integra that she would like to not be disturbed before taking this well deserved nap and to her surprise Integra had agreed to let her rest. (Y/N) moved herself to a comfier position on the bed the sound of the sheets the only thing that could be heard in her room.

Well that was until 'ding...ding'. (Y/N) frowned in her sleep as the sound travelled to her ear. She tried to ignore the sound but her sensitive ears could here the constant sound, so she forced herself out of her bed and opened her bedroom door to find none other than Alucard walking up and down the corridor. "Ah my dear your awake!" Alucard stated fairly cockily "What on earth are you doing Alucard?" (Y/N) asked smoothing out her skirt as she glared holes into the Alucard. "I decided I needed to stretch my legs." He responded. "In the hallway?"Alucard grinned. "I'm not allowed to take long walks in the woods anymore." He stated knowing exactly how to push (Y/N) buttons. "You chose now to follow Integra's rules." (Y/N) grumbled becoming irritated as the bell around Alucard's neck continued to ring with each step. "Someone's mannerisms seem to be rubbing off on me." He grinned. (Y/N) shut her eyes in an attempt to calm herself down as she listened to the bell...she couldn't take it anymore reaching out and tearing the god awful collar from around Alucards throat and storming off towards Integra with Alucard chuckling in the background. 


(Y/N) threw open the door's to Integra's office and stormed over to her desk. She slammed the collar down on the desk in front of her. "This was a terrible idea." She grumbled. "NEVER AGAIN." she growled through closed teeth before leaving to return back to her room.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2018 ⏰

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