Chapter 5

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Alucard slid out of the car first and offered (Y/N) a hand which she accepted as she exited the car. The instant they shut the door the driver took off, most likely heading back to the Hellsing manor and away from the dangerous town. The smell of blood and rotting flesh could be smelt for miles before the two reached the outskirts of the forest surrounding Cheddar. Alucard pulled out 'Jackle' and loaded it and fired a single shot into the expansive forest that stood before them. For a moment, it seemed as nothing was going to happen as the pair stood in silence, but that was shortly disproven when a loud chorus of moans could be heard.

(Y/N) covered her nose when the smell of rotting flesh became more offensive. "Oh, my poor nose." She whined. "Let's get this this over with. I do not like this town anymore than the first time I was here." Alucard stated with a board look on his face. "Very well Alucard, I'll take the left and you take the right. We can meet at the centre of the town. Don't keep me waiting to long." (Y/N) quantified. Alucard laughed and vanished into the right side of the forest, whilst (Y/N) walked towards the left half of the forest.

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~Your Pov~

The moment I step foot into the edge of the forest I was greeted by four disfigured ghouls. Hesitantly I pulled out Annihilation and Oblivion from my right thigh's holster. I cringed slightly at the thought of using the two guns; for I knew all too well that firing them would assault all of my heightened senses; but decided that I should see how well they fire before I move to my preferred bladed weapons of choice. I fired a bullet from each gun, the bullets easily sailing through two of the ghoul's heads that in front of me. They were powerful leaving a large hole in both ghoul's head and burying themselves deep into the tree's that stood behind then, the ghouls eventually crumpling to the ground before turning to dust. The smell of the gun powder and the disgusting smell of the ghouls made me screw my nose up. Honestly by the end of the day I would most likely need a new nose or at least give it a brake, and I honestly could not live without being able to smell anything, even with my other heightened senses compensating for it. Piercing a couple more shots at the hoard of ghouls, I opted out of using the guns, they had proven that they both powerful and useful weapons so I placed them back into their holster on my thigh. Moving my hand to my left thigh I wrapped my hand around two of the blades and readied myself before launching myself at the mass of ghouls that now stood before me. I sliced through their throats before finishing them with a single well-placed blow to their hearts, I begun picking up my pace working my way through the mass of sauntering bodies. To anyone who may see me working my speed would seem unnatural and their thoughts would be that I would surely drop from exhaustion, but to me this was nothing more than a gentle run.

At the pace, I was currently working at it would only be a matter of time before I was at the centre of the town. Well that was the plan, as I know all too well that plans didn't follow the owners pattern often missing the memo. When the last ghoul dissipated, I relaxed and held my daggers loosely by the handles. It was then that I heard a deep laugh sound from a large shadow in the direction I was heading. I grinned for a moment thinking that it was Alucard that stood before me I caught the scent of blood and rotten flesh. It was then that I knew I was dealing with a different vampire. Grimacing at the ghastly smell of the man before me was exuding. "Ah a pretty woman with such dangerous weapons. You must be careful my dear they look sharp and I'd hate for such a pretty woman to have a nasty cut." He said his Romanian accent extremely prominent as he spoke.

This ticked me off, I hated anyone who looked down on women and I lived through the 60s. This rude man was about to learn this 'pretty' woman had a nasty bite. "Mr. how kind of you to be concerned about little old me. But I need to be able to protect myself from abomination like you." I growled the last part out as I launched myself at him. I managed to give the vampire a deep gash across his right eye as I pirouette to avoided one of his punches. I knew that he had me at a disadvantage so along as I stayed in my human form in such a dense forest area.

My ears perked when I heard the sound of a gunshot, I knew Alucard was close by and he too had engaged a freak. I knew that we were both now at similar disadvantages, so I did the only thing I could think of that would help both of us regain our advantage. I slashed the freak this time along his abdomen causing him to hiss in even more pain. I knew that he wouldn't let me escape easily so I ran towards the area I had heard Alucard. Even in my heels I managed to keep a good distance between us as I closed the distance between Alucard and I.

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