Chapter 15

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"Raise your weapon higher, if you let it fall to low you'll miss the heart and the head." (Y/N) stated calmly whilst glaring at Alucard to keep his harsh comments at bay. Lilianna raised the weapon in her grasp higher before lining up her target and firing. "I did it!" She stated excitement laced through her voice as she stared at her target in disbelief. "I didn't doubt you for a second, you've been training rigorously for the last month and a half." (Y/N) stated before pulling out her gun's. "Now that we know your capable of hitting the target we need to find out how heavy a weapon you can hold. Now Annihilation and Oblivion weigh roughly 4 kg each." (Y/N) stated as she handed Annihlation to Lilianna before analysing, how Lilianna handled her weapon. Lilianna seemed to be able to hold the gun correctly but required two hands to support it's weight and struggled to maintain her balance and posture when she fired a round. (Y/N) chuckled before taking the gun from Lilianna and placing both into their halters, "Alucard hand Cassul over to Lilianna please." (Y/N) stared at Alucard until her reluctantly pulled out said gun and handed it to Lilianna. "This is Cassul it weighs in at roughly 2.5kg give it a go." Once again Lilianna raised the gun, this time with more ease and when she fired it her balance and posture were perfect as she accurately shot through the targets heart and head with two shots." Lilianna handed the gun back to Alucard who took it back without a word. There was a small glint of pride hidden within her eyes as she looked towards (Y/N). "Good, now we know roughly how heavy your gun now we need to finish training you." With that Alucard and (Y/N) spent the day training Lilianna.

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~2 months later-(Y/N)'s pov~

Lilianna has settled in nicely and her training was nearing its end, with today being her final test. I had been training her to become a shadow, it suited her skill set well. She had accuracy on her side and she was smaller than most of the Hellsing soldiers, she had learnt to move in silence, Alucard and I had even taught her helpful tips to mask her presence when dealing with freaks and vampires. Today she would be tested on her skills, today Alucard and I became the hunted to see how much she had truly grown. "Are you ready mouse?" I cooed as I came into her field of vision, she nodded her head and with that I vanished along with Alucard each heading in different patterns. I had since discovered Lilianna was not 14 she was indeed a 17-year-old girl and Integra had surprisingly taken quite the interest in Lilianna, which is most likely why she was watching over this training session.

I stopped moving standing still in a small clearing, I shut my eyes and focused solely upon my hearing, I could have sworn I heard a branch snap to far off. I stood perfectly still for what seemed like twenty minutes but was actually closer to the 5-minute mark before I opened my eyes again studying my surroundings. When I was certain I was most likely alone I continued this time however I decided to walk heading for a stream of fresh water I had seen on one of my walks with Alucard. I could stop there and mask my presence in the water, it was time to see if all of Lilianna's training had been successful or not. Not to soon after I had entered the small stream did I hear a gunshot followed by Alucard's laughter, from the sounds of it Lilianna had found him but not actually shot him. Now we weren't actually letting her fire live silver rounds no, no, no we had given her a gun loaded with red paint pellets. I walked slowly up stream being careful to not disturb the stream any more than I necessary. I arrived at the small cavern that the stream ran through and decided it would be acceptable to stop here, so I stepped out of the stream onto the rock covered ground and stood against the wall of the cavern. I heard the familiar sound of Alucard's feet coming down the stream if Lilianna was in pursuit she was indeed applying her training.


Our little training session had been going for close to an hour and Alucard had been knocked out of the session roughly 20 minutes ago. I had no doubt it was because once he had been spotted by Lilianna had kept up her pursuit until he eventually became cocky and that had most definitely led to his elimination. I had yet to move an inch from my position against the wall, I knew she was hunting for me in fact she had managed to walk past the cavern shortly after shooting Alucard without noticing me. Another ten or so minutes went by without a sound, until I heard someone enter the stream at the entrance I had used into the cavern. Lilianna was becoming sloppy was she, well I wasn't about to give her position away just because Lilianna had given hers away. I stood perfectly still and blended with the shadows of the cavern even silencing my breath as I waited for her to walk past. I heard her track past my position, she stopped briefly inspecting the cavern for me, when she finally gave up, she walked towards the exit of the cavern. I relaxed slightly once I heard her exit the stream, she was definitely good but I shouldn't let my guard down just yet. "Found you...." came a quiet voice from behind me as I felt the barrel a gun press against my back directly in front of my heart. She was good...definitely good, I thought with a smile on my face. "Well done mouse...." I muttered quietly as she pressed the trigger of her gun leaving a red paint mark on my back. With that the two of us returned to wear Integra and Alucard were most likely still waiting.


We arrived within a short amount of time and sure enough there was Alucard and Seras stood next to each other Walter nowhere to be seen. "She got you, good she's ready for a real hunt then." Integra stated a faint smile upon her lips, she held out a small wooden box with the Hellsing emblem on it. Lilianna took it gratefully and carefully she opened the box, within the box laid upon a red silk cushion was a black gun with gold highlight's. Lilianna carefully took the gun of the cushion and analysed it in her hand. From where I stood I could make out two quotes on either side of the gun both written in gold, one read 'f you make a better mousetrap, then Hellsing will make a better mouse' and the other read 'only very brave mouse makes its home in a cat's ear.' I smiled at these quotes they were very fitting for Lilianna and Integra had made an excellent choice in them and the hand gun Lilianna currently held. "Thank you, sir Integra, it's magnificent." Lilianna had one of her rare but incredible smiles plastered on her face as she thanked Integra.

"Forgive me sir Integra but I believe it is time I gave Lilianna my gift." I stated a faint smile upon my features. Integra nodded allowing me to take Lilianna back within the Hellsing manor. It didn't take us long to reach the room we currently shared, "go take a look at the bed." I stated. Lilianna walked over to the bed and placed the box with her gun down on it. Her eyes lit up at the sight of the dark gold skirt with black patterns on it, the light gold blouse with ruffles on it and the black long-sleeved fleece which had the Hellsing emblem on its shoulder. The outfit was completed with bow for her hair withheld a small image of the Hellsing emblem black stockings with gold patterns running down the legs and beautiful gold shoes with bows on them. "Go on go ahead and get changed in the bathroom and then we had better hurry up to Integra's office." I stated as Lilianna grabbed the clothing and ran to the bathroom without hesitation.

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