Chapter 17

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"Sup bitches!!!" came a muffled scream from one of the upper floors of the manor, (Y/N) shook her head as she met Alucard's covered eyes. "Oh my they're not subtle at all are they." (Y/N) giggled she sniffed the air, "there are two of them and they've turned our agents against us and let me guess you're not going to go help Integra or your underling." Alucard laughed as (Y/N) glared at him. "Nope!" he stated popping the p. "Well then I'll leave you too deal with the second one and I'll head in Integra's direction." (Y/N) turned and walked behind Alucard's chair just in time for a blonde man to blow-up Alucard's door. "It's about time!" Alucard stated arrogantly.

"It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Alucard. My name is Luke Valentine. I'm a real fan of your work." (Y/N) stood silently behind the chair listening and waiting for her chance to get out of this basement, she listened to every word Luke Valentine said. "Your name gets thrown around quite a bit, Alucard. The things people say...They tell stories of your amazing strength. How you glide through oceans of blood. They call you nightwalker. Beyond human. A monster whose powers radiate with the darkness that casts the shadow on darkness itself. Finally, I get to know once and for all if there's anything more to you than just rumour. When I was human I feared you. The stories, anyway. And when I gave up being human, when I became this, I began to admire you. You, the first great pioneer of immortality. No matter what the rest of us do really were all just chasing your shadow."

"That's ridiculous, you fool there is no such thing as an immortal." Alucard stated. "Yes, I know. And once I have your head on a stick, everyone else will know it too. So now I get to kill you and make my wildest dreams come true." (Y/N) heard the two draw their weapons and just as quickly as they were drawn they were fired this was her signal to go she ran past the bloodied pair at inhumane speed stopping as she reached the stairs. She glanced over her shoulder, "I'll punish you later for getting vampire and freak blood on me later Alucard so don't take too long to finish here." She stated before leaving the basement hearing Alucard laughing shortly followed by Luke Valentine's.

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~(Y/N)'s pov~

The smell of spilt blood was pungent in the air and hit me immediately as I reached the first floor of the manor. I fought the urge to cover my nose and gag and instead focused on walking down this hallway and heading towards the second floor were Integra would most likely be located, it was at this time that an announcement sounded throughout the manor. I walked past Seras door to see it had been pried open and shortly after walked past my room to find it in a similar condition, these ghouls need a lesson or two in etiquette. Speak of the retched being's they've come to me how polite. Groan's filled the corridor as I pulled out two of my holy blades and ran head first into the hoard of armoured ghouls. "In the name of this earth's lord and savior grant these tortured souls a place within your home and throw their tormentors into a place worse than hell." I yelled as I completely wiped out the ghouls with ease keeping up my sprint as she headed for the stairs that would lead me. God I had hung around too many religious people in my life. It became increasingly apparent that the other freak was just ahead of her as the ghouls became less scattered and more frequent, it was also apparent that the freak had encountered Seras when a large boom sounded up ahead. It wouldn't be long until I caught up to them, I kept my fast pace up and cut down all the ghouls that were left behind until I stood in behind Seras, Walter and Jan Valentine who was currently completely immobilized by Walters wires. "Were do you think you're going...did I say you could leave?" Walter questioned as he struggled to keep the freak in place. Jan just laughed manically as he set himself free by sacrificing his arm. "Oh dear...." Walter stated slightly shocked by Jan Valentines action as he watched his figure disappear down the hallway. "Oh, dear in deed and this pack of ghoul's behind me only appears to be increasing how irritating." (Y/N) stated catching the attention of Seras and Walter. "I suppose I had better catch up to him then." Walter nodded in agreement and I took off down the hall to catch the runaway valentine brother.

When I arrived however, it would appear that Integra was more than okay...Jan Valentine stood with dozens of bullet holes that had pierced his flesh. "I see you aren't in need of my aid then sir Integra." I muttered with an amused look plastered to my face as I walked over to Integra and stood behind her. Walter and Seras joining me shortly afterwards. "Answer!" Integra yelled still pointing her weapon directly at Jan, everything about her oozing authority. "Oh come on bitch you know the ones who put the fucking chip in me." Jan groaned as he got to his feet before continuing, "the chip that's sending information letting them know we fucked up they can hear us talking, every last goddamn word." Jan groaned again his obnoxious grin never leaving his face. "If they know I'm standing here all fucked up and dying about to tell you everything you think they're gonna let me fucking live." He stated amusement laced within his voice as blue flames began engulfing his form. "See I so fucking told you, well since I'm fucked how about I piss a little wisdom on you dipshits you can take this glue and shove it up your ass bitch." Walter took a step forward and stood in front of Integra and I followed suit attempting to protect Integra from whatever the hell was about to happen. "Beware the millennium." Those were Jan's last words as he was completely destroyed by the flames leaving nothing but smoke and a few blue flames and dust. His hand fell to the floor still poised flipping Integra the 'bird'...I believe it's called that. Well this had most certainly been a most dull and interesting day...I wonder if Alucard's wrapped his end of things up yet.

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