Chapter 11 - You Take My Breath Away

Start from the beginning

"I figured I'd find you here," he said. "How are you feeling, Angela?"

"Better, thanks... Where have you been? I haven't seen you around lately."

"Mr. Jackson gave me a couple weeks off, said I could use some well needed rest."

Javon came further into the nursery, "It's a boy, huh? He's very handsome."

I smiled, nodding. "He is, isn't he?"

The bodyguard came closer and took a seat on the floor in front of us.

"That's because he looks like you."

I blushed, looking away from his eyes. I should talk to him, to set things straight.

"He knows," I said quietly. "Michael. About us. He figured it out himself when you came checking on me the day Leo was born."

"Yeah, I understood that when he sent me on time off. Did you know I never had a day off since I started working for him?"

"No, I didn't. Did you have fun?"

Javon chuckled, "Kinda. It was weird, mostly, I didn't know what to do with myself. But I did see my sister who I haven't seen in three years, so I guess it was worth it."

"I'm glad you enjoyed yourself." I smiled.

Leo fussed and his bottle was empty so I gently put him against my shoulder.

"Do you mind if I do it?" Javon asked.

"You really want to?" I said.

"Of course."

He stood up and held his arms out. I placed Leo in them, watching him closely.

Javon held my son like he was the most fragile thing in the world. It honestly made my heart melt.

"Oh, he's just the cutest..." the bodyguard cooed as he patted Leo's tiny back. "It was worth it, wasn't it?"

"What was?" I cocked my head.

He settled my baby back in my arms, making sure his face was as close as it could possibly be. With a low voice, he whispered,

"Everything you've been through these past seven months. He was worth it, right?"

"Y-Yeah." I stuttered. Why is he making me so nervous?

Javon placed a finger under my chin and licked his lips. I closed my eyes shut.

Then he kissed me gently but I was quick to pull away.

"J- Javon, we can't... You know we can't..." I said breathlessly.

"Why not?"

"Because," I sighed. "I'm a married woman who loves her husband. I know how it feels to be cheated on and I won't make him feel that way, it's awful. You've been very kind to me and gave me a shoulder to cry on when I needed one. I appreciate you very much for it, but I can't betray Michael. Especially now when he needs me most."

Javon's eyes turned sad and he looked down, "But- He doesn't love you back! I do. You deserve to be loved, Angela."

"He loves me, he just needs to be reminded that he does."

I truly believed it now. Michael will learn to love me again, eventually. It'll take time, but he will.

"And you," I lifted his head so he'd look me in the eyes. "You need to find someone who'll love you back. Preferably someone who is your age and isn't married plus nine."

The bodyguard let out a little chuckle.

A knock on the door interrupted us. It was Michael.

"Angela? Can I come in?"

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