10: Maybe Perfect

Start from the beginning

“See you.” I replied, waving my hand slightly before heading in the opposite direction… towards the cafeteria.

When I entered the cafeteria I headed to the lunch line and collected my food before paying and heading towards the direction where my friends and I usually sat at lunch.

“Well well well, look who decided to grace us with her presence, you sure you don’t need to go make out with your top secret boyfriend in the janitor’s closet right now?” Piper asked, raising an eyebrow at me as I sat down opposite of her and Blake.

I rolled my eyes and unravelled my turkey sandwich from its wrapping. “No because you are totally being ridiculous. Anyways I wouldn’t be talking miss ‘I-can-go-on-a-date-and-avoid-talking-about-it’.” I  stated, which in turn caused my best friend to blush.

“Whatever.” was Piper’s smart reply as she ducked her head and focused on her meal.

I smirked in Blake’s direction because I knew that Piper was withholding information from us for one reason and one reason only… it was juicy. “Oooh… did Piper finally get a boyfriend?” I asked in a teasing voice as Blake chuckled quietly.

Piper looked up at me with sad eyes and shook her head which made my smile drop and Blake’s chuckling to stop.

“So wait, what happened then?” Blake asked in concerned.

Piper sighed and dropped her fork into her plate of pasta. “I don’t even know, like seriously one minute we were laughing and discussing the movie and then we hugged and he suddenly went tense. I have no idea what happened and he hasn’t talked to me since. I don’t know what to do, I really like him and I actually thought that it might have been a date but I don’t think he feels the same way.” she explained and my heart ached for her. I knew how much she liked Jay from the countless phone calls and conversations we’ve had over the past couple years and her having such low self-esteem was heartbreaking.

“Look,” I said, reaching over and placing a comforting hand on top of hers, “I think it’s time you actually talked to Jay about this. You’ve liked him for years and he has no clue, what if he’s in the same situation as you? Secretly in love with you but too afraid to wreck a great partnership and friendship, did you ever think of that?” I asked in a cautious tone.

Piper looked at me. “Of course I’ve thought about that! I’ve thought about it again and again but I just don’t know and I don’t know if it’s worth the risk to talk to him if it means that I can get my heart broken in the process.” she expressed as Blake placed a comforting arm around her.

“Pipe, I think you know that you either have to take the risk or get over him because sooner or later, you’re going to have missed your chance.” I explained to her.

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