Chapter 36- The End

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"Congratulations Andrew!" I exclaimed and gave him a hug. After pulling away I looked at Andrew and spoke, "this is my boyfriend Kartik."

"Hi Kartik," Andrew spoke holding his hand out. Kartik took it gladly with a smile on his face.

"It's nice to meet you," Kartik said before quickly adding, "and congratulations on this great news!"

"Thanks," he said politely and let go of his hand.

Amit and I went into the room and talked about how it all went down while Kartik and Andrew talked about sports. Apparently when they came back from their walk the whole room was decorated. Amit thought it was just a surprise when Andrew went down on his knees and proposed to him. I honestly couldn't be happier than what I am right now. Amit deserves the whole world.

"Amit I need to tell you something," I said grabbing his attention.

"What's up?"

"Harsh is getting married to Naina!"

"OH MY GOD! THAT'S GREAT NEWS!" He screamed my ear off. I massaged my ears as I scooted away from him.

"It is but not worth blowing my ears off for," I said making a face.

"I'm so happy right now," he calmed down. He moved closer and held my hand, "I am so proud of you to see how much you have grown up."

"You have too," I said sharing this moment with him. "This past one year has been a journey for the both of us Amit. In all honesty I don't think my journey could have started without you. You are the reason why I met Kartik and finally realized how much he loved me."

"Well duh!" He said, "that's the least I could do for my best friend." I just chuckled when his face slowly became a little serious. "Why did you forgive him for leaving you?"

I took a moment to think. I don't remember how it happened but I just remember I didn't want to fight with him anymore. I wanted to be with him and I didn't want to spend more times not being with him because of our fights. "I didn't want to waste anymore time being separated from him. He realized his mistake and he came back. The first time I turned him down but the second time I couldn't. I want to be with him Amit. More than anything else in this world."

"Well I'm glad you guys are finally together. I liked him from the beginning for you."

"Yeah," I sighed feeling elated. After talking about some more random things Kartik and I went back to our room. When I turned the lights on I found Kartik's suitcase in the middle of the room. He moved it away as he took his jacket off and jumped on the bed with his back down.

"I am so tired," he yawned out. He sounded so old that I wondered if this was my whole life. I know we had a tiring day but still he could've stayed up a bit to talk to me. We haven't seen each other three months.

I took my clothes and went into the bathroom to change. When I came back out I found Kartik's clothes on the floor while he was shirtless under the covers. I felt a bit annoyed by him for creating a mess but I decided to let it go for the night. Before we started dating he used to be so clean and hardworking but the moment he got me he became a slob.

I went under the covers and soon felt him wrapping his arm around my waist. He softly kissed my neck making me forget all of the anger I felt for him. "I missed you so much," he whispered as he softly kissed my neck again.

"I missed you too," I softly pecked the top of his nose.

"I love you." He whispered out.

"I love you too." I said feeling overwhelmed with emotions.

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