Chapter 31- The Broken Hearts

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"What?!" I asked feeling shocked. More terrified than shocked. Terrified at the fact at what Harsh would do to Naina when he finds out. He never talks about the thing that happened with Naina as he believes that it's speaking ill about her. So I never forced him. Now imagine my shock when I hear something big like this.

"The baby is alive Myra," she turned to face me. Her eyes were teary and her nose was red. She looked so vulnerable and little that it made my heart clench. I quickly sat up on the bed and looked at her with my disbelieving eyes.
"Where is the kid Naina?"

"He is in Prague at a Catholic Church."

He? It's a boy.

"Why is he there?"

"Because I couldn't keep him in India," she sat up on the bed. Her eyes had finally given up and the waterworks started to flow down her face. I just looked at her feeling sorry and confused.

"Is he okay?"

"Yeah," she nodded wiping of her tears, "I go and visit him all the time. He knows who I am and he is very upset with me."

"I am sure he is. He might have a lot of questions."

"He does. More specifically regarding his father."

I remained silent thinking about Harsh's reaction. A part of me was relief to find out about his son because I knew Harsh still blamed himself for the abortion rather than blaming the love of his life. Another part of me was terrified just imagining about how hurt he must be when he finds out he was away from his kids life for so long.

"I don't know what to do," she looked down as hot tears rolled down her face.

"How about we start with telling Harsh about his son." I suggested in a soft tone.

"He will be mad."

"Well a little at first but I am sure he will get over it when he finds out that his child is alive."

"I need a drink." She wiped away her tears as she she got off the bed.

"Wait! But you just came back from drinking."

"This is how I drown my sorrows Myra," she spoke opening a bottle from the fridge.

"Naina everything would be okay. He is coming to Hawaii you can tell him then."

"What if he never forgives me?"

"Then wait. Be patient."

At that moment I thought about Kartik. He was so patient with me in the beginning when I first met him. He saw me peruse another man and he still stayed. Waited for me. Then what happened?

"Love isn't about always doing the right thing. It's about owning up to your mistakes and having the guts to fix the mistakes."

That was when it reminded of the time Kartik had left me. I don't know it had affected me the way it did. I was a strong independent woman who didn't need any man but having him around had become a habit for me. He knew I didn't trust people easy, I had abandonment issues. And the first thing he did when something bad happened was to turn around and not trust me, abandon me.

"It's a big mistake Myra. I don't think it can be fixed."

"Well then try. For the sake of,"

"Nainsh," she finished.

"That's a cute name."

"It's a combination of our name."

"I figured."

"You know when he was small he would always run into things," a small smile spread across her face, "he was so small and tiny. He is the cutest thing alive." She spoke in a trance.

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