The Prolouge

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"How long is it going to take for you to realize that I can never be the man you want me to be!" I heard my father yell from downstairs.
Tightening the grip on the railing I pressed my face in between two of them to camouflage myself with the environment. I could feel the cold iron against my delicate face. I could taste the salty taste of my tears as my once happy family was coming to an end with a hault.
"I don't think I can be with you anymore!" my mother turned around and started walking towards the staircase. She turned around facing my father one last time, "you were always beneath me! I wish I never had married you!" she started strolling up the stairs as tears rolled down her eyes.
I stood up trying to stop my mother. "Mom! Stop!" I ran after her trying to grab her wrist in my hands. But my little hands were too small for me to grip around her wrist.
She pushed my hand gently away as she locked the bedroom door making me stop at the hallway. I ran down the stairs to find my father standing at the end of the staircase while clutching onto his chest.
"Dad! Please stop mom!" I yelled at him but he seemed to be lost in his own world.
I kept going back and forth between them trying to make them understand my point of view. My love. And my emotions.
"Myra go to your room." My father finally spoke. Instead of the always smiling father that I had grown up with I saw a different side of my father at that moment.
He seemed lost, angered, and...
"GO TO YOUR ROOM RIGHT NOW!" He yelled and I flinched.
I ran up the stairs to my room. Closing the door shut I ran under my bed using it as my shelter. I pulled my knees up to my chin as I cried.
I didn't realize I fell asleep under there until I saw the room fall under darkness. Gone was the fresh afternoon. It was replaced by a storming night. I could hear the trees brushing against the windows.
A fear ran down my spine as I quickly got out of my darkroom and into the light of my living room. All the lights were dimmed and only one of the lamps next to a couch downstairs was lit. I saw my father sitting on the couch with a glass of scotch in his hand. I ran down the stairs and got closer to my father.
"Dad where's mom?" I asked shaking him by holding his knees.
Here's a thing about 10 year old's. They don't just believe everything you say.
"She went to a party." My father spoke after couple of minutes.
"But I saw her leave hours ago." I gently put my hand on my father's hand, "did he abandon us? Is it my fault?"
Instead of answering my question or telling me how it's not my fault my father decided to remain silent.
Here's a thing about 10 year old's,
They believe in abandonment. They know when someone doesn't like them.
And especially if that someone is their mother.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------So here's the prologue guys. And as the story progresses it will keep getting better.
Hopefully I would be able to update this and my other story at the same time. I will honestly try my best.
The picture is made by me guys so please don't steal it.
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