Chapter 24- The work of Kartik Singhania

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As the morning trolled along with it's sunshine I felt myself cover my eyes with my hand. The chirping of bird, the fresh smell of grass, and a beautiful morning made me want to wrap my blanket around me even more. And on top of all that there was a weird pain on my right hand.

After grunting I slowly pulled my eyelids open. I was met with lots of hair. Blinking couple of time and adjusting my eye vision I finally woke up only to find myself tangled with Kartik.

His right thigh was in between my legs as his face was buried in my chest. His right hand was around me while his left hand was underneath me.

Grunting I looked around the atmosphere. We were still in Kartik's dream land. Aka a strange ground far away from the city. I tried shoving Kartik's hands away but all he did was grunt and pull me in closer. When suddenly I realized that today was the fashion show.

"Kartik?" I tried moving him to wake him up but in vain.

"Kartik wake up, we have to go back to the office."

"5 more minutes," he shifted and put his head closer to my chest holding me tighter in his arm.

I would feel all sorts of feelings looking at our position and I would even ponder about how he looked cute while sleeping but right now was not that time. I took a handful of his hair and pulled it away from me with my right hand.

"AHHH!" His hand went around my hand that was holding his hair, "WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?!"
He yelled while I sat up making his head hit the ground. A pain shot up my right arm where he had his head on for the whole night.

"Ahh," I massaged my hand due to the pain, "my hand's asleep." I whimpered in pain.

He sat up next to me, "I am so sorry," he looked at me with puppy dog eyes.

"It's okay just take me to the office," I spoke and stood up picking up my purse.

"Yeah of course," he sat up and got his cooler in his hand.

We walked back to his bike. It was where we had left it of last night. In the daylight the trees didn't look that scary but it was still weird coming out of the woods with a boy. But at this point I could care less about all that. I had to get to my office. Surprisingly there weren't any people around us. When I realized that we were very far away from civilization. I rolled my eyes feeling annoyed at myself for sleeping the night on an unknown ground.

"Do you want to go home and freshen up first?" Kartik asked starting the bike.

"No it's fine," I quickly sat behind him, "I'm already late, just drive."

We reached my office an hour later. Everything was already set up outside. I walked in looking like a whole mess. My hair was wind swept and had different grass sticking out of it. My clothes had mud all over it and I had some dirt on my face. Which I don't even know how it got there in the first place. My PR Tanya was already there making sure all the cameras and paparazzis would be there and get most of my good angles.

Tanya was a very average height woman. She had long black hair that ended before her waist. Her curves were all in the perfect places and it looked like she was the most gorgeous woman in there.

"I am here!" I stated and tried to look for a clipboard with the checklist.

"Myra!" Tanya shrieked from in front of me, "what the hell happened?"

"I fell asleep on the grass," I spoke while flipping through the pages, "where are the goodie bags?" I asked one of the interns walking around.

I felt a tug on my arm and someone pulling me away from the stage. "What is it Tanya?" I asked feeling annoyed.

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