Chapter 34- The rehersal dinner

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When I turned around to look at Kartik I found him hurt and defeated. He just looked exhausted and somehow I could feel his pain. "You really think we aren't right for each other?" His voice was shaken and it seemed like I had lost my voice suddenly.

"Why are you back here?" Amit spoke coming in front of me.

"Backup Amit," Kartik came forward as he pushed Amit aside and came face to face with me. "You don't think we are good for each other?"

"I mean you and I just don't have the timing right." I tried to justify but it all seemed in vain as his eyes told me he was still hurt.

"Myra! Come back inside! Gramps has been looking all over for you." Nikhil came out and yelled from the halfway point. He seemed to not notice the storm that was happening right here.

"Coming!" This was probably the first time I felt happy for seeing Nikhil's stupid face. I quickly ran inside with Nikhil as I just wanted to avoid the whole situation for now. "Where is Gramps?" I asked Nikhil walking inside.

"She is walking around and talking to people. She wants us to do the same so that nobody can spread rumors about how we don't support the marriage."

"But I don't support the marriage."

"Seriously Myra, let it go. It's going to happen whether you like it or not."

That was the last thing he said before disappearing into mingling with people. I walked around and greeted some people too before walking back to my room. I was honestly bored from doing the same old questions about my profession and family.

Thankfully upon entering the room I found it empty and without wasting anymore time I changed into a stripped t-shirt and black skinny jeans with black converse. Putting my shades on over my head and hanging my bag on my shoulder I walked out of the room. Down in the lobby I was met with Naina who was staring at someone really far away. Turning my head I found Kartik and Amit talking to each other. They both looked mad but it seemed like they were controlling their emotions so that they wouldn't get kicked out of the hotel.

"Don't bother going there. Let's get out of here." Naina spoke before I could even think about going there. She started walking out while I followed. We first went to see some of the inactive volcanoes in Hawaii. Since we were in for three days we thought we start slow. After the volcanoes we thought to check out the set of the famous TV show Hawaii Five-O. The set was filled with only couple of the actors and we didn't find my favorite Alex O'Loughlin but it was still fun to watch a scene being shot. We returned back to the hotel in the evening as we had the rehearsal dinner tonight.

After hugging and promising to meet again tomorrow I went to my room to freshen up and dress up for the rehearsal dinner. When I entered my room Kartik wasn't there. I didn't know whether I should be relieved or worried. I decided I will think about it later because ifI am not ready soon then Gramps might come upstairs and lecture me.

I took a shower first and then got out wearing a red sari. I don't know why but the dress code for tonight was black and red. Girls are supposed to wear red while boys are supposed to wear black. I was struggling with my sari when Kartik entered the room. I looked up at him to find him staring at me with startled eyes. Upon entering the room his right hand immediately went up to his chest while his face was hung open. I immediately remembered the first time we went out together to the fashion show and he had the similar reaction. At that time I smirked knowing I looked good but this time I wasn't smirking, instead I was feeling shy under his eyes. I looked down immediately to not make anymore eye contact because I realized I liked seeing that expression once in awhile.

"You look beautiful," I heard him whisper. I looked straight up at the mirror to look at what he was looking at. Suddenly I felt more beautiful than I ever had in awhile. I wanted to see what he was looking at that made his heart beat so fast. Kartik slowly walked up behind me and looked at me through the mirror. "Perfect. You are so perfect." He whispered close to my ear. His eyes holding me in place through the mirror.

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