(Phone convo J= Joe  L=Lauren)

L: Hey Joe I needed to ring you so quickly sort out the details for New York

J: Yeah that’s fine the boys are packing so they are busy which means no one will come and bother me

L: Great, So I was thinking if we fly out on the a different flight, with a different company, from a different airport then we have no chance of bumping into one another so they will have no idea we are coming

J: Yeah sounds like a plane we are flying with Delta from Gatwick

L: Right well I will book with United because I know that they fly from Heathrow

J: what’s going to happen when we get there?

L: I was thinking if we both book into the same hotel but you will have to make sure that the boys are out while we check in and then on the day we will plan to meet somewhere for lunch, sound good?

J: Sounds good. It seems like you have this all sorted out, bye Lauren the boys are calling me, so we will see you in a couple of days

I put the phone down and walked back in to the studio

“Sally can I talk to you about something” I said as we walked to once side. The rest of the girls were in the sound proof booth so there was no chance that they would hear us “I just have a few details that I need to tell you about suprising the vamps” I told Sally all the things that I had discussed with Joe. She nodded before walking of grabbing her laptop and started to book the plane tickets and the hotel and some other things as well. I went and found the girls with Kelly

“Hey guys got anything so far?” I asked as pushed the door open and walked in

“Erm yeah we have the chorus so for and got some ideas” Brooke answered while I walked over and sat down with everyone.

After a good 5 hours of brain storming and writing we finally had a finished song that we could start to record.

“Are you ready?” the man behind the recording desk on the other side of the glass of the recording studio said through a microphone. I looked around all of the girls and they all nodded, so I looked back to the guy behind the deck and gave him a thumbs up, then the recording light turned on

He's got a Rolling Stones tee

But he only knows one song

They think they're from the sixty's

But they were born in 1991

There's a man standing in the corner

No one knows quite where he's from

There's a fight between Jill and Lorna

She's got a tattoo of a peace sign on her thumb

All that and the night has just begun

Stay out tonight and see through my eyes

Stay out this time, and we'll be home by five

Stay out, stay out, stay out

Stay out, stay out, stay out

Checkered shirts and chino trousers

Is this some kind of uniform?

It seems that they think they're gangsters

They barely started 6th form

She thinks she's in Barbados

But outside it's minus three

There's a guy outside I'm avoiding

I think that he shares a mystery

That time when he whispered to me

Stay out tonight and see through my eyes

Stay out this time, and we'll be home by five

Stay out, stay out, stay out

Stay out, stay out, stay out

Cause there's people falling in love around you

And there's people falling over their own shoes

All these boys and girls are people

Looking for someone to be

All these boys and girls are people

Waiting for their hearts to beat

All these boys and girls are people

Looking for someone to be

All these boys and girls are people

Waiting for their hearts to beat

Stay out tonight and see through my eyes

Stay out this time, and we'll be home by five

Stay out, stay out, stay out

Stay out, stay out, stay out

He's got a Rolling Stones tee

But he only knows one song

They think they're from the sixty's

But they were born in 1991

Once we finished recording the song we tweaked it a bit and it was ready, the last song on our first ever album. I just hope the fans like it.

I hope you liked it.

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Love Charlotte xx

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