She suddenly stopped talking and put her hand over her mouth. Getting up, she suddenly ran off. Sesshomaru frowned and quickly rushed after her with the boys running behind him.

She went into the bathroom and locked the door. Sesshomaru knocked on the door but she didn't open it. However, they could hear her choking and throwing up, making the twins get scared. Sesshomaru would have broken the door down but he didn't want to frighten the children.

"Is mommy going to be okay?" Ryu asked with worry.
"Is she going to die?" Rai began sniffing. "We promise we won't be naughty anymore."
Sesshomaru looked at them calmly. "Do not worry. She will be fine."

A few moments later, the door opened. Lyra smiled softly so that the kids didn't get worried. Ryu and Rai suddenly rushed to her and hugged her legs, still worried that she was going to die. She placed her hands on each of their heads.

"Sorry about that," she said. "I think it was all that running around."
"We promise to be good!"
"Please don't die!"
Her brows furrowed in confusion as she laughed in amusement. "I'm not dying, boys. I'll always be here."
They looked up at her as they sniffled. "Really?"
"Yes," she smiled at them.
"Lyra," Sesshomaru called.
She lifted gaze to him. "Yes?"
"You're pregnant."
Her eyes widened as she froze, staring at him in shock. "I... I'm pregnant?"
"Yes. I can smell it."

Tears filled her eyes and she sniffed, quickly putting her hand over her mouth to stop herself from crying. Sesshomaru always knew before she did herself and she knew he wouldn't say it unless he was sure. Lyra couldn't help but laugh quietly at their conversation before Sesshomaru stepped towards her. Raking his fingers through her hair, he held her face and pecked her lips.

"Are you happy?" he asked.
She looked up at him with glazed eyes and nodded. "I'm very happy. Are you?"
"Of course."

Leaning in again, they both shared a deep and loving kiss. Mikazuki, Ryu and Rai were all disgusted and dramatically began gagging. After parting from the kiss, Lyra smiled.

"I wonder if we'll have twins again."
Sesshomaru shook his head. "For your mental well-being, I hope we don't."
She laughed. "I'm just so happy to be pregnant again."

The twins looked up at their parents before turning to their older brother.

"Pregnant?" Ryu asked.
"Is that a disease?" Rai asked.
Mikazuki shook his head. "It means she's going to have a baby."
"How?" they both asked him.
"Basically, mother and father love each other very much so the more they love each other, the more babies they have," Mikazuki told him. "That's why they had us."
"Oh," Ryu said.
Rai tapped his chin. "What gives them the baby?"
"Mother told me it was a genie."
The twins' eyes widened. "Whooaaa! That's so cool!"
Lyra listened to their conversation and laughed quietly. "Aw, Mikazuki. He's so gullible," she said to Sesshomaru
Mikazuki looked up at her. "Gullible?"
Her eyes widened slightly as she looked down at him. "Oh. Uh... It means you're clever."
"Oh," he grinned.
She breathed a sigh of relief. "Phew. That was a close one."


• A few months later •

Everyone was there again. Inukimi had joined them that time since she missed out the last time. She wanted to be there to help look after her grandsons while Lyra was in labour. This time it was Kagome who was delivering the baby. Kaede was still around but Kagome requested to be the one to deliver it.

After 12 long hours in labour, the baby's cry filled the room and Lyra collapsed in exhaustion. Kagome smiled brightly as she held the baby.

"It's a girl!"

Lyra smiled as she looked at Sesshomaru. He seemed so surprised, never having thought that he would one day have a daughter.

She held his hand. "A girl..."
He looked down at her and smiled softly. "Our family is complete."

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