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(Y/n)'s P.O.V.:

I work with Black Hat, it's not easy, but it's not that hard, not anymore at least.

I had been forced to... Abandon my dreams and hopes for my future, and work here due to series of certain that are not worth mentioning, not now, and perhaps if I'm lucky, not ever.

My life isn't boring, no, its definitely more than that. It is... Riveting, of course only when one is not going through it but instead is just observing. Riveting indeed.

My family, oh my sweet loving family, my elder sisters have permanent jobs now, and my younger sister, oh dear, how much she have grown. Oh, my second elder sister broke up with her boyfriend, and so did my eldest sister, but since they are happy, it concerns me no more. My younger sister, well, she also has a boyfriend.

My best friends, well, they are happy, Tony is engaged and her boyfriend is a nice guy, and Ray has a girlfriend already. I'm happy for both of my dorks.

I stay away from them most of the time, but I do go outside and meet up with them, once in a month but its enough, for all of us.

Flug, Demencia and 5.O.5 are usual, their weird but cheery selves. They are more lively than ever, and its a refreshing feeling.

I'm not sure whether its good or not, but I've grown accustomed to the dark. I can easily adjust my eyes even in the most darkest of dark and of course, I'm not afraid of any demons anymore, be it inside or outside of me, since I live with probably the most dangerous of them all.

And the flirty trio, they are as weird as ever, all except Insomnia, A.K.A. Omeir or Mei for short. Masquerade, or Jason is usually serious but that guy really knows how to treat girls, he gives me yummy food, and food for sure is always welcome. Amnesia, A.K.A. Arthur, that guy is cheery like usual, coming to cheer me up whenever I need it. Insomnia enters my dreams and make them fairy tails.... noy the princess kind, but the kind one can enjoy and be happy with.

Its a nice change, and those three are the bestest of friends who are villains with superpowers. Despite that they know how to take care of a person, they helped me a lot coping with all the stress.

I am absolutely thankful to them. And of course to the others.

But his strange abnormal change from abusive and chaotic to silent and gentle is weird, very weird indeed.

R gslftsg rg dzh uli tllw, yfg rg dzhm'g.

I forgot which cipher I used :P

Have fun decoding because this is related to the story, kind of a spoiler if you ask.

Enjoy the prologue, the first chapter will be published on Sunday, so yeet.

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