saturday // peterick

11 1 0

prompt: Patrick is having trouble with his parents and decides to move out in two weeks (saturday) and pete is there for him during the next two weeks.


Patrick stormed into his room after getting into an extremely heated fight with his parents, they had been getting into a lot more fights recently since they found he was gay and was hanging around Pete. His parents saw Pete as a bother and a bad influence. He could see why he could be a bad influence from the outside but on the inside he was a really sweet guy, to Patrick at least. He genuinely cared and made sure Patrick was okay. He softly smiled at the thought of Pete before grabbing his phone from his desk, dialing his best friend's number.

The line rang for about two seconds before Pete picked up, "hey pat, why'd you call? you usually are-" the other side of went the call quiet for a few seconds before Patrick heard Pete sigh.

"is it your parents? do you need me to come over? you know what..never mind, im coming over, wait by your window." was all Pete said before hanging up on his friend.

Patrick smiled at his friend's concern for him, it made him feel like he held worth. Pete made him feel of worth a lot.

He had gotten lost in his thoughts, being snapped out of them when he heard soft tapping on his window before Pete just let himself in.

The dirty blond haired boy didn't feel his darker haired friend pull him down onto his bed and realization didn't kick in about how close they were until Patrick could feel and hear Pete's heartbeat.

Pete had a habit of pushing his friend's head against his own chest, it gave both of them a sense of security.

The two laid in silence for a little while before Patrick spoke up, "I'm going to move out. two weeks from today, Saturday."

His friend only nodded, "you can come move in with my family, you know they all love you. you could take the guest room."

Darker eyes met lighter eyes at almost the same moment, pure love and adoration filled both sets.

The blue eyed boy smiled and shifted his attention from his friend's eyes.

They laid around for the rest of the night until Pete had to go home for dinner, they shared a quick 'just friends' kiss before they bid their farewells.

Every night that week Pete and Patrick stayed on the phone while Patrick packed up his room without his parent's knowledge. They barely paid him attention as it was unless they were upset with him.

Pete would sneak out and take the already packed up items. The room packing was going by a lot faster with his help.

Of course they would have near slip ups of being caught but they just skidded past those.

Once the deadline of that second week Saturday arrived, Patrick stuck his note to his parents on his bedroom door before taking the last of his things down to Pete's car. He looked back at his childhood home and nodded to himself, more assuring himself than Pete that he was ready to go to his new home. Patrick thought back to his letter and it was as if Pete read his mind.

"So, what did you write to your parents?"

"well, uh-I have my rough draft of it. Read through it."

Patrick passed Pete the rough drafted letter, it reading out;

'Dear Mom and Dad,

I have decided to leave this home. Neither of you treat me with respect and i'm tired of it. I'm going to a more healthy place for myself where i get the respect i deserve. I'm a person and just because i'm gay does not mean I am any less human. I hope you both learn and understand how closed minded you both are. The day I turn eighteen is the day that i am legally no longer your son.

Farewell, Patrick. '

The darker eyed boy smiled at his friend before leaning into softly kiss his lips before driving again after mumbling
"I'm so proud of you , Pat."

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