memories (??) // jack

3 1 1

prompt: pictured

Aidan had started to look through all her old photo albums and memory boxes when she stumbled upon the one involving Jack.

She smiled a little, looking through everything and thinking back to all the memories of them together.

She missed him a lot. He was a busy guy though, touring and promo was a lot along with timezones.

Aidan had been kept up with lots too, her band was taking off and more of her art was being taken and adapted by people. She had to be focusing on her jobs as well. They never left each other's minds though. They'd still text and ask the other for a preference or opinion on something.

Jack had planned to Skype with her that night though for their anniversary. Aidan set up her Skype and he immediately called her once noticing the green icon next to her name.

A smile rose upon their faces as they saw each other, both soon engulfed in conversation.
Hours would pass by, before she decided to bring up what was on her mind.

"Do you remember the way you looked at me when we cuddled? Or when we walked up Manhattan?"
He smiled fondly, nodding.
"Those were the times when I realized I was hopelessly in love with you," he responded.

one shots (aidan)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ