i should've.. (blurb??) // pete

5 1 1

prompt: pictured

No one really knew what Pete and Aidan were. Hell, they didn't even know. Everyone and their mother knew they loved each other but just never acted upon it. They were constantly compared as a couple and teased to be one but they just didn't.

Both of them were clearly in love with each other or had some type of feelings for the other. Aidan was a bit too shy and worried to fuck everything up and Pete was too difficult to admit his emotions no matter how much people got on his ass for being emotional.

Now to where they were now, Aidan was waiting around with the band and their girlfriends until they left for touring in Europe. She started to think back to the time she nearly kissed Pete on the stairs during a party in high school. They were talking and laughing, enjoying each other's company instead of dealing with the party around them. They were sitting really close and leaning into each other to talk. She was about to kiss him until she realized it wasn't right. Aidan couldn't mess this up with the guy who meant the world to her.

She snapped back when she felt Pete brush against her leg as he went to get up. It was boarding time, she immediately jumped up, hugging them all. Aidan took her time to hold Pete close, slowly pulling away. She noticed something flicker in his eyes before sighing a little, telling her a goodbye before going off to his band mates.

Aidan regrets not kissing him on the stairs in high school. Pete regrets not kissing her at the airport.

one shots (aidan)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя