Sneaking Out

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Emil sat up five minutes after he heard his brother, Lukas, finally go into his room to sleep. His brother was a light sleeper, so he'll have to be careful. He slowly got up, pausing whenever his bed let out a loud creak. When he was finally standing he held his breath and waited. The last time he was going to sneak out, his brother walked into his room and found him halfway out his window. He woke up everyone else and they all talked to him on how he shouldn't be sneaking out and that if he did try to sneak out again he'd regret it. It wouldn't have phased him but as he stared at Sweden's - ahem, Berwald's - glare he stopped trying to sneak out for a while.
Why was he sneaking out? Well, he may or may not be dating someone, and that certain someone may or may not be the current world's superpower. Yup, he was dating the damn american idiot, Alfred. Why? Don't ask him, he doesn't know either. Why didn't he just tell his family? Well, he knew they would approve of him dating Alfred (after their done threatening him of course), but, he had to admit, the thrill of just secretly dating got his heart pumping and adrenaline running. Sneaking little kisses here and there, rushing to hide Alfred in his closet or under his bed when someone knocked on his door, being squashed in closets to kiss and make out during the lunch break of the world meeting, and of course sneaking out to go on romantic dates at the carnival, park, or just hang out in either Alfred's hotel room (because he had to fly to Iceland) or sneaking out of his hotel room to Alfred's apartment. Not to mention, he'd rather not deal with his two protective brothers and their constant questions.
As he was about to unlatch the window which was layered with ice, a large crash sounded throughout the house. He froze, staying stock still, until he decided to look around his room to see if he accidentally knocked something over. He then heard his brother run past his room, which he gave a sigh of relief of, and heard Mathias choking. He relaxed a bit. So, it was only Mathias. That damn idiot. He stayed still, not wanting to move incase he made a noise and his brothers were alerted that he was trying to sneak out again. A few minutes passed, and he heard Mathias' door close, and then a knock was at his door. A couple seconds passed and Emil held his breath. The person knocked again.
"Emil? Little brother?" Lukas asked. A few more seconds passed and a soft "sleep well brother" was heard before Lukas' door closed. He heard the bed creak from Lukas laying down - Lukas' room was right next to his - and he breathed a sigh of relief. He waited a couple minutes before slowly, and carefully unlatching his window, his brother made sure it was locked before he said goodnight to him. He slid it open enough for him to slip through with only mild struggle. His feet, he was barefoot, touched the slick iced, small section of roof and he hissed from the cold. He closed the window quietly and gripped the window seal. He gulped and got ready to jump down and onto the snow. His feet were slowly becoming numb and he shivered after only wearing some shorts and yellow, long sleeve shirt. Yellow was Alfred's favorite color. He jumped and landed onto the snow. He then ran to where he knew Alfred was staying.
He opened the door and stepped inside. The lady at the counter payed him no mind as he went to the elevator. He shivered as hot air warmed him. He pressed the third floor button, the top floor. He waited, looking around and praying none of the nordic's tried to check on him. As the elevator rang, signaling his arrival, he laughed and walked out, imagining what Alfred was going to do this time.
Usually when he visited Alfred, he always had a surprise. Sometimes he gave him flowers, or hot cocoa. Other times he found flower petals across the floor with the lights off and instead of candles, he cut up glow sticks and put the glowing liquid everywhere around the room. He sometimes had a movie and popcorn ready, or he threw clothes at him and shoved him into the bathroom for him to get changed, and once he was done he dragged him to some place he found cool in Iceland. Other times he played romantic music and led him to a balcony and they smoked, or well Alfred smoked, he wouldn't let Emil "ruin his perfect lungs". Either way he was excited to see his secret boyfriend. God, his heart melted whenever he called them boyfriends.
He knocked on the door and waited. The door opened and he could hear quiet, classical music playing with the lights off, except for the bathroom light, and he could smell something sweet, most likely a candle Alfred was burning. He looked at who opened the and was surprised. Alfred stood there in shorts and a towel around his neck, his hair damp from his shower he was probably taking, and droplets of water dripped down his tan chest. His glasses fogged up from precipitation and his blue eyes sparkled. He gave a sly, but at the same time shy smile.
"Hi." Emil's breath caught in his throat and he could feel a blush beginning to form.
"Uh hi," his voiced squeaked and he cleared his throat, "hi." Alfred chuckled and grabbed his hand and pulled him inside. They stared at each other and Emil suddenly threw his arms around Alfred's neck and kissed him fiercely. Alfred kissed back just as fiercely. Water from Alfred's hair trickled onto his face, but he didn't care. They stumbled towards the bed and Alfred turned them so Emil landed onto the bed with him on top of him. The kisses soon slowed and became sweet and long. They just layed there, kissing and giggling. Emil's eyes fluttered open and Alfred gave him a love sick grin.
"You're so pretty," he purred. Emil simply kissed his nose.
"Nah, you're prettier." Alfred laughed.
"No, you are. You are the most prettiest thing I've ever seen." Emil smiled and tears gathered in his eyes. He narrowed his eyes at Alfred in a playful manner.
"Well, if I'm pretty, then your damn hot." Alfred laughed. He nuzzled his cheek.
"Aww my little uke." Emil laughed and hit his shoulder lightly.
"You need to stop hanging out with Japan." Alfred just smiled and grabbed the hand that hit his shoulder and kissed it, keeping eye contact. Emil's melted as he saw the love in Alfred's eyes. Alfred stopped kissing his hand and moved towards his neck, kissing, sucking, and blowing air into it causing Emil to hum in content, moan, and giggle. They did that all night till they both cuddled and fell asleep.

Should I continue it or just leave it as a one-shot? I'm not sure.
Also, like, my heart was literally melting when I was writing this.

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