Im gay

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Alex and Sammie walk in to Sam's house, scared out of there minds. "Where were you, we thought you got kidnaped! We were about to call the police! And what are you  doing with this bitch" looking at Alex, knowing her past.
"Mom please calm down, I can explain everything but it's going to take some time"
"You have one hour"
She took her mom and dad sat them down on the couch, the old dusty couch.
"I can everything I did in a few sentences" Sammie had a nervous look mixed with fear.
"Let's start this off um, I ran from here because of some rules I don't really agree with" Sam turned and give Alex a sharp look
"You could have came to us! Honey you could us how you felt" sam's moms eyes started to water
"Because I felt like I couldn't come to you guys" Sammie can feel her own eyes watering
"Because I'm gay"
The room goes dead silence
"What?" Sams mom says in low cold voice, "Your gay?"
These words made Sammie's hart sink, her own parents some how didn't love her any more. Looking at her like she just killed some one.
"Yes I am" says Sam I in a shaky voice, "I'm so sorry"
"No child of mine should be a homosexual, let their soul burn" her mother gets up in a attempt to some way intimidate Sam, though did not work.
"I hate you" , "how can you say that to your own child"
Sam stood up to face her mom, grab Alex's hand and ran out the door. Though she was holding hand with the girl she loves, she feels heartbroken, her own mom doesn't even love her. She took 18 years out of her life to rise her and give her love just to throw it all away in seconds.
The girls ended back at Alex's house, walking inside and seeing all the old beer books. They just missed Alex's dad. Making there up to Alex room and dropping on her bed

"It's going to be ok, I'm here for you. I love you"
"I love you too"
Short one sorry
I hate everything About this but I just felt like I had to up date
Later haters🤠

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2018 ⏰

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