Unexpected Meetups And Accidents

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Suzu's POV

I was still inside the bathroom, softly trembling with every quiet sob that came out. It was pretty dark too, since for some reason this bathroom doesn't have any light switches, only windows, so that didn't help the situation. Everywhere I looked, I would see small flashbacks of the day that haunts me on a daily- well more like nightly- basis. 

~The Weird Flashbacks She Sees~

Suzu was 13 years old when this happened.

I was in the dark night of my room, about 10 in the evening. My favorite maid, Zoe, was away in the kitchen, while my parents were taking control of their own "problems"- me. They kept on beating me, making me say that it was my fault my twin brother, Rin, had ran away a year ago exact, until I actually believed it. This was happening before a ball that my parents and I were supposed to attend, and I was in a black dress, the skirt knee-length and skater-like, along with black Mary-Jane's. My parents left me alone in the house with Zoe once they were done, and I stayed in a dark corner of my room, silently weeping. I had decided that it was time that the daily beatings had ended, and that I ran away myself, this time not because of my sibling, but because I had decided that my family just didn't love me anymore. I stuffed all of my belongings into 3 suitcases, even my bedding, favorite instrument and a millions worth of yen. I changed into regular clothing, just covering up all of my I called the family's jet, telling the pilot to fly me to my uncle Ranka's apartment. I was there in a matter of time, about 10 in the morning here, but I didn't want to look the same as the rich and British Suzu Kimida, so I went to an eye doctor to exchange my eye contacts to colored jet black ones, then going to a hair salon, cutting my hair extremely short, and dying it jet black, so I would look natural. I passed by a TV shop, showcasing the news channel. I understood Japanese, as well as English, French, and many more, so I could contemplate what was on. It showed a picture of myself before I did all these changes, and I immediately could tell that my parents were looking for me. I covered up my arms better, the most afflicted spots on my body, and started picking up my pace to Uncle Ranka's humble home. I gladly got there in no time, considering I landed in a field that was fairly close to their neighborhood. It wasn't what I was used to, but it was what I was going to have to live through. I knocked on the door, Haruhi opening the door. "Suzu? What are you doing here, it should be about 2 in the morning over in England! Come on in." Haruhi questioned, without a greeting. I walked in, looking around and sitting on a nearby chair. "Nice to see you, Haruhi. I'll tell you the story soon, but I need to speak with Uncle Ranka before anything. Can you tell him to come to the living room?" I asked, a bit teary-eyed since I still felt the beatings.

~End Of Flashbacks~

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