Nosebleeds And New Beginnings

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I know that in this chapter, Suzu says that the song on the side (Titanium by David Guetta) is her song, but it is for the sake of the story. PLEASE DON'T SUE ME! Also, slight cursing, so be careful, my readers :)

Suzu's POV

Some of these girls are kinder than what I expected. At least they weren't idiots, they could tell I was a girl. I chose to go with the other side of me, who is horribly girly. I just wanted to trick the hosts, so I was the regular me around them. I was lucky to have a medium sized chest, that no guy really pays attention to because of my hair and outfit, unlike Haru-chan, which was completely flat. DON'T TELL HER I SAID THAT. After the little scene I had earlier, they had introduced themselves. I have to admit, these guys were pretty cool for idiots. "Suzu-chan? You okay there?" One of the girls from the group I was attending asked me. "Oh yeah, I'm fine. Thanks for asking!" "SUZU-CHAN! COME GET SOME GROCERIES WITH ME!" Haruhi screamed from across the room. "Well, I better get going. Sorry!" I apologized to them. "No problem girl!" Another girl told me. "Remember to keep the trick a secret from the hosts, 'kay?" I reminded them, running to Haruhi.

~After Shopping~

Tamaki was being his idiot self. We couldn't afford their preference of coffee, so we got them our coffee. BIG DEAL. I was about to attend another table with Mori and Honey, until a red haired girl "bumped" into me. The coffee spilled all over myself, and I was running around crazy. "BLOODY HELL IT BURNS! HARUHI! THIS BLOODY COFFEE BURNS! TELL MY FAMILY I LOVE THEM!" I screamed, along with some other stuff that I prefer to not mention. "Oops, my bad. I didn't see you there, Suzu-chan." A red-head evilly fake-apologized with a smirk. OH NO SHE DIDN'T. YOU BLOODY WANKER I'LL BITE YOU. "It's ok. Please just go, I wouldn't want your expensive yellow dress to be stained with cheap coffee." I replied as calmly as I could, and walked to the nearest bathroom with my backpack. "Bloody smartass. I knew the rich have a big ego, but that was just bloody RUDE." I mumbled to myself while rubbing a wet napkin on my sweater, but that was a permanent stain. I was lucky I had an extra outfit, but I wasn't expecting people to think I was male, so it was a blue long sleeved polo, a black tie, a black skater skirt, white knee-high socks, and some Converse I had from when I visited America. I was trying my best to match the only uniform I saw, and made it feminine, OKAY? "Ugh, I guess this'll have to do." I mumbled, changing into my backup. I got out and I realized my prank would be a fail. Well, I don't care. If Kyoya knew my name, he would obviously know my gender. He just went along with the prank, without me having to tell him. I walked back to the Music Room, and looked through a crack of the doors. There were oddly no customers, I guess they were taking a break. "A new customer? Come in!" Tamaki estatically greeted. "Wow, you seem extremely familiar. But alas, the Host Club is-" He was interrupted by my amazing cousin. "It's because it's Suzu-chan, idiot. How stupid are you?" Haruhi rolled her eyes at Tamaki. "SUZU-CHAN? YOU'RE FEMALE?" He screamed. His reaction was priceless, he jumped up, wide eyed, and was pointing at my face, obviously confused. I couldn't stop laughing, but my skirt was short, so I didn't bend down. I just slid down the wall, my legs still up, but seperated, with my eyes closed. Even if I was in a weak time, I was aware of my surroundings, which were a bunch of guys and my cousin. "Hey, pointing is rude." I said in between laughs. "HARUHI HELP ME I CAN'T STOP LAUGHING!" I yelled at Haruhi. "Do you remember what happens if a girl with a skirt on sits down with her legs up and seperate? Yeah. Her undies show." Haruhi reminded me, and I immediately stopped laughing and stood up. My eyes finally opened, only to see each Host nosebleeding. "BLOODY PERVERTS!" I screamed. "LOOKING AT A WOMAN'S AREA!" I ran to a curtained place inside the room, and inside was a piano. "WE'RE SORRY SUZU-CHAN!" They all screamed, even Mori, which surprised me. I have to admit, I was blushing HARD. I didn't reply, because my eyes were locked on the piano. "Can I play a song on the piano?" I asked before I sat down. "Sure, but don't break it." A male voice responded, which I suppose was Kyoya's, because I could literally HEAR him pushing up his glasses. I closed my eyes, and played my favorite song that I had written. (Play song at side)

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