A Weird Demon (Chapter 25)

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My deepest secret

Chapter 25

A weird demon

Bankotsu looked at me in total disbelief. "Hikari... what the hell are you?!" Bankotsu asked totally confused. "Sorry, there is no time for an explanation right now." I said and looked over my shoulder at him. "I'll explain everything once we're back at the castle. First I need to kill that demon." I said and looked back at the demon in front of me. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. "Here I go!" I thought and put my hands in front of me. A purple light appeared, and slowly started forming the shape of a sword, my sword. "So this is what Shiina ment when she said every ultimate warrior has their own wapon." I whispered as I opened my eyes and looked at my sword. I grabbed it with both my hands. I ran towards the demon, jumped right in front of it and tried to hit the demon with my sword. But the demon smashed me away, like I was nothing more than a mere insect, just like Bankotsu told me. I made a back flip and landed on my two feeth and left hand. "Seems like I am stronger and can move easier in this form." I thought. "And Suikotsu his training lessons are paying off." I added and looked up and faced the demon, with a confused look upon my face. "That's weird..." I thought confused. "He isn't coming after me..." I whispered and stood up straight. "By the way, if this demon is strong enough to hurt the Band of Seven so badly, why didn't it attack Bankotsu-sama when he was lying on the ground unable to get away or even move?! Nor did it attack me when I arrived here... I don't get it." I thought and took another deep breath. "Let see if this move works." I whispered and ran towards the demon again, trying to hit it in it's blind spot, but even that didn't work. I tried over and over again, but it kept blocking all of my attackes, slightly hurting me from time to time, but he didn't attack me even once! "Maybe if I try to attack it a little more serious.." I whispered and ran towards it as fast as I could, trying to stab it in one of his eyes. This time he smashed me away with a much greater force, and I was smashed against the wall. I coughed up a little amount of blood, but it was nothing serious luckily. I needed some time to catch my breath, but it didn't seem like I broke anything. "Something is wrong here, that's for sure." I thought as I stood up. This time I didn't attack demon, and as I thought the demon didn't attack me either.

"Hey Hikari what's up?" Bankotsu yelled towards me and I just shook my head as I walked towards him. I made my swordt disappear and handed him a hand. "Can you walk?" I asked him and looked at him. Once he didn't reply I figured that his answer was no, but that he didn't want to admit that. I crouched next to him, warped his arm around my neck, and my arm around his waist, to support him to stand up. "Hey what are you gonna do!?" He asked mad. "We are getting away from here." I replied without looking at him. I only stared at the demon who just stared back at me. "Why, are you afraid or something, what's the matter with you?" He asked and smirked, but I ignored his childish behaviour. "I'll explain it later, first we're going back to the others." I replied and started walking. "Come on, let's go."

Together we walked back towards the castle, which took sometime due to his injury, and my injuries as well. I had a hard time breathing from time to time. Once we finally arrived at the Castle, Jakotsu was already searching for us. "Bankotsu, Hikari what happened?" He asked, sounding worried and curious at the same time. "Where were the two of you? And what's with those clothes Hikari?" Jakotsu kept fiering questions at us. "I will explain it all later, but will you help me Jakotsu. We need to bring Bankotsu-sama back to his room." I said and Jakotsu support him on his other side.

Together, the three of us walked back towards their, well our room and lay Bankotsu down on his futon. "What happened?" Jakotsu asked once the only half conscious Bankotsu lay down. "First of all, where are the others, I want to discus this with all of you." I said and looked at Jakotsu. "The others are outside, all still upset about the fact that we lost against that demon. Kyokotsu is outside together with Ginkotsu, don't ask me why. Mukotsu is trying to improve his poison. I saw Suikotsu training in the woods by himself, and Renkotsu just left towards the village without saying anything." Jakotsu said with a thinking face. "I am going to get the others first if you don't mind, please keep an eye on Bankotsu." I said with a soft smile. Jakotsu nod and I looked at Bankotsu. "Seems like he is asleep." I thought and smiled. "I'll be right back!" I said, changing back to my human form. I found Kyokotsu and Genkotsu as first, and they told me where to find Mukotsu and Suikotsu as well. I asked them to go back to their room, and I would follow soon after I found Renkotsu. They all willingly agreed, and I ran towards the village. Luckily, I met Renkotsu rather soon, he was on his way back towards the castle appearently. At first he didn't really want to come along, but once I told him Bankotsu fought against that demon on his own, he agreed to listnen to me and came along.

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