Return (Chapter 19)

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My deepest secret

Chapter 19


I was the first one to wake up, again. But for once in a very  long time I had a very good night. I slept deeply and felt completely rested when I woke up. But I think I keep waking up early due to the sunlight. I stood up and walked a few meters away from the others as I looked at the sky. The entire sky was blue, with no sign of any clouds at all. "The weather is nice." I whispered to myself and closed my eyes. I sighed for a sec. "I wonder what everyone is doing in my world at the moment, hope my parents aren't too worried about me." I spoke to myself before someone called out to me, bringing me back to my reality. "Hey what are you doing?" I opened my eyes and looked behind me. Jakotsu had woken up aswell and was walking towards me. "Nothing." I answered turning my back towards him and looked back at the sky. We didn't say anything for a while, when suddenly Jakotsu decided to break that silence. "I promise I won't tell the others about your secret." He said and looked at me. I stopped looking at the sky to face him with a surprised, yet smiling face. "Arigatou Jakotsu." I said and smiled at him as he returned my smile.

"Oi Hikari, Jakotsu! Big Brother wants to leave, get over here or we'll leave without the two of you." Renkotsu said as he slowly walked towards us. Jakotsu and I nodded at him. "Hai we're coming." Jakotsu replied as the three of us walked back towards the others. "Okay lets go." Bankotsu said when we reached the rest, and our travel continued. The first few hours were kinda boring. No one said a single thing! There was a complete silence, a very awkward one actually. I walked towards Bankotsu, who was walking in front of the group. "Uhm Bankotsu-sama?" I asked as I looked at him, trying to start a conversation. "Yes." He answered without looking at me. "May I know where we are going?" I asked him politely. "We are going towards a village, beyond that mountain." Bankotsu answered my question and pointed at a mountain in front of us. "That village is fighting a war at the moment, and they asked us to help them, remember." I looked surprised at him. I had completely forgotten about that task. "I don't remember at all." I replied slightly confused how I missed this. "Oh yes, well Renkotsu got this request yesterday, in that village and they said the people would reward us well." I nod my head, telling him I understood, even though he still wasn't looking at me. "Bankotsu-sama?" I asked again as their leader sighed before turning his head towards me. "Yes?" He said as he looked at me while I simply smiled at him. "Nothing." I replied with a smile as Bankotsu stared confused at me before returning his gaze in front of him.

Even though I started this conversation, I couldn't think of anything else to ask, without bothering him. So I decided to keep my mouth shut and to not ask him any other silly questions. I simply walked next to him, figuring that everything would turn silent again, but to my surprise Bankotsu spook up this time. "Why did you want to know?" he asked as he looked at me for once. "I was just wondering." I answered honestly. "And slightly bored." I admitted as well before turning my gaze to look up at the sky. "The sky is so clear and beautiful here, it feels so peacefull." I whispered, not sure if he heard me or not. But when I didn't respond I figured that he probably hadn't heard me.

A few hours later we arrived at a river, at the foot of the mountain. "Okay, time for a short break." Bankotsu said and looked behind him to face the others. They all nodded in agreement and I let myself fell down onto the ground. I was very happy that he decided to take a break, my feet were killing me! I sighed and stood up, only to walk over towards the bank of the river as I sat down again. I looked at my own reflection into the water. I looked different in this world... Yes I was sixteen instead of ten, but still, it felt like there was more to it then just my age. Suddenly something hit my head softly, breaking my line of thoughts. "Here take this." It was Suikotsu handing me a bottle with water. "Ah arigatou Suikotsu." I said and gladly took the bottle from him with a soft smile. I opened to bottle and drunk the water happily. We stayed there for about an hour before we contined on our journey. Instead of walking next to Bankotsu, this time I walked besides Jakostu. "Hey Jakotsu." I said wanting to start a conversation again, trying to escape these awkward silences. "Yes." He answered, sounding a bit unsure for some reason. "There is something I want to ask you." I said and looked at him. "What's up?" he asked looking back at me as well. "You and the others ones said that you kill demons, right?" I said. Jakotsu looked confused at me, but nod his head anyway. "Yes, we do. So?" He returned a question. "Well next to killing demons you guys also kill humans, right?" I asked another weird quesion as Jakotsu looked confused at me. "Yes, that's why we are off to help that village to win their war, what are you trying to get at?" He asked totally confused by now. "Are you guys really that strong?" I asked unsure and a bit taken back. Jakotsu looked a bit angry at me. "I didn't insult him just now, did I?" I thought slightly scared. "Don't underestimate us Hikari-chan." He said joking and pointed a finger at me. The sudden change in his mood made me smile, as I giggled a bit at his reaction. I never expected him to react this way at all!

"Yes I know but still you guys are still young." I spook again as I faced him with a smile. "Why do you all fight and kill demons and people?" I asked, curious to hear Jakotsu's answer. "Killing people and demon is what makes us strong. Strong enough to survive in this world." He answered honestly. "Bankotsu once answered something like that too, 'in order to survive' he said back then." I replied to Jakotsu his answer. "Is this world really that hard and cruel?" I thought eyeing my gay comrade. "And once you get used to it, it's kinda fun to do as well." He answered with a bright smile upon his face. "Yeah sure..... You see I think it's a bit hard to believe that killing.... things.... can be any fun." I replied taken back about the thought of killing a living being. "A lot of fun, huh?" I thought and closed my eyes. "I still don't get these guys at all, and I wonder if I ever will understand them." I whispered so Jakotsu wouldn't hear me and sighed. "Who knows... time will tell."

Jakotsu never replied after that, and I stayed quiet for once as well. All of a sudden the awkward silence had changed into a peacefull one. Had I just imagined it? Maybe... Yet it surprised me how quite these guys could be anyway! I can't imagine my friends or classmate te be this quite at all?! Then again my world is completely different from theirs.

Once it started getting dark, we stopped walking, ate dinner and went to sleep. All of them nearly fell immediately asleep after dinner. "They must have been very tired I guess..." I said to myself wondering why they had fallen asleep this soon as I looked at Jakotsu, who was lying besides me. Suddenly I realized something as I looked at him. "He called me Hikari-CHAN!" I yelled inside my head as a small blush crept upon my face, and my heart started racing. It took a few minutes for the blush te leave my face, and for my heart to slow down it's beat. I looked back at Jakotsu and smiled. "You idiot!" I said and lay down next to him. "Oyasumi Jakotsu." I whispered as I fell asleep as well.


"Hikari! Oi Hikari! Wake up girl! HIKARI!!!" A voice was shouting my name over and over again. Slowly I opened my eyes, rubbed them to clear my vision and looked around me.

"Where am I?" I asked myself, still sleepy. "Hikari! Up here!" I looked above me and saw a girl with blue hair in the distance. "Shiina?" I said confused when I saw the girl. The girl came closer and closer towards me till I realized it really was Shiina! Well, her soul, or well spirit as she used to call it. "Shiina!!!" I yelled happily and smiled brightly at her. "Hey Hikari, how are you doing?" She said and had a soft smile upon her face, as she stood right in front of me. "Shiina I haven't seen you in over a month. Where have you been all this time. So much have happened. There is so much I want to tell you!" I kept talking on and on as tears appeared in my eyes. "It seems like you still got that talkative side of yours." Shiina joked with a soft smile as I simply smilef back at her. "Welcome back!" I said with a happy smile as a single tear rolled down my face. A tear of happiness for a chance.


Sorry for the late update XC but hope you'll like this chapter :)

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