A weird dream (Chapter 5)

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My deepest secret

Chapter 5

A weird dream

It has been about one month since Shiina arrived at our school. At first she was rather hard to get along with, but once you get to know her she is a very nice and happy girl. Ever since she joined our group, she, Yuki and I have done all kind of funny things. Going to movies, sleepovers, all kind of things like that. I am very happy that Shiina joined our group and that she and Yuki are my friends, they are my best friends. Today it's the 21st of June which means nearly summer vacation and that my birthday is coming up! I seriously can't wait!!! I want to hold a sleepover together with Shiina and with Yuki to celebrate it, and I can't stop imagining about it! I want it to happen as soon as possible! Yet, at that time, I wasn't aware about the fact that I still had a long and a hard way to go before I would turn ten, a day in a very distant future for me.

Ever since Shiina joined our group those dreams had stopped once again. After Yuki her birthday I had them nearly every night, till Shiina arrived. I was finally starting to forget about them actually, but after tonight I am sure I'll never ever forget about them ever again...


"Hikari, Hikari come over here, come, we need you." I once again heard that weird voice, and I was once again flooting in that colourful room. I slowly opened my eyes, rubbed them and looked around me. I sighed cause I knew nothing would change like usually, till a blue haired girl, or woman caught my eye. In the distance another girl was flooting inside this weird room, and she was getting smaller and smaller, which meant she was walking away from me. "Oi, wait where are you going?" I yelled confused and started running after this mysterious girl. I followed her as I ran as quick as I could. Once I got closer I finally saw it was no girl but a woman around the age of 20. The woman turned around and face me, which shocked me even more. I knew that face all to well, even though the one I know has long hair, while this woman her hair was short. "Shi-Shi-Shiina-chan..?" I stuttered confused, shocked and a bit scared at the woman in front of me. "Is that voice yours?" I asked her, wanting to have answers right now! The woman looked at me but didn't reply to my question, like always.

"Come, follow me." She said as she turned around again and started walking. "Oi,where are you going?" I asked mad cause she was once again ignored my question, but I still ran after her, till I walked besides this blue haired woman. "Who are you?" I asked and looked at her. Once again she didn't answer my question, she didn't even look at me! "Well that part of the dream didn't change, still no answers I see." I thought and sighed. "It will be your tenth birthday soon, right?" She said and looked down at me with a friendly smile "Yes today it's the 21st of June and my birthday is at the 30 of June, but how do you know?" I asked confused and curious as the woman just laughed at me, before she looked back in front of her again. "Then you're almost the age." She nearly whispered, but said it loud enough for me to hear it. "The age?" I thought curious as I kept looking at the lady. "What's so special about my tenth birthday?" I asked confused and for the first time in forever she answered my question! "For us, our tenth birthday is very special." She replied with once again that soft smile upon her face."But everyone has a tenth birthday and what's so special about... wait did you just say us?" I said shocked. Why the hell did she say us?! "No we are different from other human beings." She said as her smiling face turned into a very serious one. "You are special."

"Yes you kept saying that for a couple of months by now but what do you mean, with special and being different form others?" I asked wanted to know those answers very badly. "Wait, I'll show you something." She continued and grabbed my hand. "Show me what?" I asked as I looked down at our hands. Suddenly a bright light appeared and I needed to closed my eyes due to the brightness of it. Once I opened them again I saw Shiina, lets call her Shiina instead of just woman, and I were floating above a...a planet... I suppose..?

"What is this?" I asked her and pointed down at the world beneath me. "This is you're home world, Earth." She replied with a smile as I looked back at the world beneath me. "Earth?!" I said surprised but once I took a closer look at it, it really looked like the Earth, but how is that possible. "Yes." She said as that bright light appeared again. "And this is my home world, Shiani." She continued as a total different world appeared next of the earth. Unlike our blue planet this one looked rather brown and gray. "Come." She said and grabbed my hand once again, as she went down towards the planet besides Earth, the one she had called Shiani. "Hey wait a second!" I yelled shocked by her sudden movement but followed her anyway. "What do you mean by 'this is my home world'?" I asked her and looked up to her face, which gazed at the gray world in front of us, which was becoming bigger and bigger.

Once we 'landed' onto the ground she let go of my hand and well I couldn't take it anymore I need answers right here right now! "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!" I yelled upset and totally confused. "Calm down Hikari." She said trying to calm me down. "I'll explain it all, soon but not now I can't okay, just listen carefully for now, you don't have to be afraid." She continued as I breathed in and out, trying to calm myself down, which worked after some time. "Okay calmed down Hikari? She asked smiling as I nodded. "Hai." I answered with a soft smile. "This is the world where I come from, Shiani. This is the reason I couldn't tell you and Yuki where I came from at school, when I first entered." She said explaining somethings. "So you really are Shiina! And...Are you an alien?" I yelled totally in shock and confused. "Okay now I am sure I am just dreaming." I whispered out loud to myself as I closed my eyes. "It does not matter if I am an alien or not right now." she replied and sighed. "Listen, my world and I are in danger and you and your world too." She spook and I could see real worry into her blue eyes. "What do you mean with in danger, and why is my world in danger too?" I asked her confused once more. "First just listen, alright." She said once again and I nodded once more. "You and I are unique beings in the universe." "Unique?" I thought. "What do you mean by that?" I asked again as she suddenly started vanish right in front of me. "Oi Shiina where are you going!?" I yelled at her but no reply. "Shiina!" I yelled as my vision got black.


"Hikari it's time for school!" My mother yelled from downstairs waking me up. I slowly opened my eyes and sat up trying to remember what happened last night. First I wanted to forget those dreams but after this one that wasn't possible anymore. I wanted to know more, I wanted to know everything now. "What the hell was that about?" I cursed as I put my head into my pillow. "First I thought I had a voice inside of my head and now I start dreaming about Shiina-chan." I whispered, talking into my pillow. "What's going on with me anyway?" I asked myself as I turned my head towards my wall and sighed. I remembered everything what Shiina told me. "I really think it is her right, she did answer when I called her name, but she said that's why she couldn't tell Yuki and I were she came from." I thought. "You and I are unique beings in the universe. You are almost the age. This is my home world." I repeat but only sighed afterwards. "I don't get it!" I yelled out loud and put my head into my pillow once more. "Hikari you need to make yourself ready for school otherwise you will be late." My mother yelled from downstairs once again. "Hai!" I yelled back and got out of bed.

I walked towards the bathroom and changed into my school uniform. Once I was done, I walked downstairs, ate my breakfast, put my bento into my bag and put on my shoes ready to leave the house. "Oh yeah right, I would walk towards school. together with Shiina-chan." I whispered and sweatdropped nearly forgetting her. I waited in front of my house till I saw her walking towards mine. "Ohayou Shiina-chan!" I said as cheerful as I could, trying to act normal. "Ohayou." She replied with a soft smile. "Should I tell her about that dream?" I thought thinking about it carefully. "No, who knows what that dream meant? Maybe it is just another weird dream?" "Something wrong?" She asked as she looked besides her at me. "No it's nothing." I said hasty waving my hands in front of my body. "Let's go!" I said and started walking as she followed close behind me.

Yuki wasn't at school today the teacher told us she had a cold and needed to stay home. A cold in summer was rather weird, but some people have bad luck after all. "Hey Shiina-chan, should we go and visit Yuki-chan after school?" I asked with a soft smile as she smiled back at me. "Sounds like a good idea." She replied and nodded in agreement. So after school Shiina and I went towards Yuki her house. We knocked onto the door and her mother opened it and lead us towards her bedroom, she was very happy to see some of Yuki her friends had come to visit her sick daughter. "Hey Yuki-chan how are you?" I asked her while Shiina and I walked inside her room. "I'm doing fine right now." She replied with a soft smile as she sat up into her bed. Shiina and I sat down onto the edge of her bed, each of us on eachother opposite sides. "How was school today?" She asked, curious to know if she missed anything. "Boring as always." Shiina replied smiling. "Nothing special at all." I added with a soft smile too.
We talked with her for a while but went home around dinner time, and Yuki still needed some sleep as well. Shiina and I walked home together,and said goodbye when I reached my house. "Tadaima." I yelled when I walked into the kitchen where my mom was preparing dinner. "Okaeri, how was school?" She replied with a soft smile looking behind her at me. "Yuki-chan got a cold so she stayed home today, but Shiina-chan and I visited her after school." I told her and sat down on a chair. "Oh how is she?" My mother asked concernend but I just smiled at her. "Nothing serious she'll be back in a few days." I said replied and lay my head onto the table. "It was kind a boring without her after all." I added as I closed my eyes.

After dinner I took a bath and went to bed. I hadn't slept very well last night after all, so I decided to sleep early tonight. But at first I couldn't fall asleep, just because I kept thinking about that dream from yesterday night. I sighed and tried to concentrate on other things, which worked luckily. In a few minutes I finally fell asleep, and this time it was a night with any kind of dreams, no weird ones luckily.


I hope you liked this chapter.

Well if you ever have any questions you can alwasy ask me :)

Have fun ^^

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