Let the Games Begin!

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It was finally the night! Me and my best friend Sapphire have been look forward to. Sleepover night! Veronica a small girl, with olive skin, bright green eyes and long brown locks had been best friends with Sapphire since birth. Their mothers were friends, so they have always grew up together. Sapphire was an average sized girl, fair skin, deep blue eyes and long blonde hair. She was a cheerleader so had a nice body. The two girls were similar in many ways but also very different. Veronica was easily overpowered by Sapphire, but she didn't really care. "Hey Ronni, remember mine at 6 tonight. I'm so excited!" Sapphire squealed. "So am I Sapp." Veronica chuckled. Time skip to 6 pm. My dad had just dropped me off at Sapphire's house, I practically run to the door. When she opens it, I notice that she's still in her cheer outfit. We had a hug then we went up to her bedroom. We were just talking about what we had been doing when school finished and other girl things. "Ronni, what do you say to playing truth or dare?" Sapphire questioned. "Hell yeah! I'll start, so is it truth or dare?" I pondered. "Dare." Sapphire smirked. "Okay I'm going to make you a drink of something and you've got to drink at least half of it." I evilly grinned. No words were said she just nodded. I ran downstairs to her kitchen and got out a glass. I put tomato sauce at the bottom, then salt and vinegar, after that olives, then bananas and finally yoghurt. I blended it all then poured it into the glass. I felt kinda bad but didn't regret it one bit. "Here you drink m'lady." I laughed. She looked at my concoction with disgust and then at me with a sad face. But swallowed her pride and started drinking the drink. "We like to drink with Sapp, because is our mate, and when we drink with Sapp She gets it down in 8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1." I chanted with a smile. Sapphire did get it all down. "What the fuck did you put in that Ronni?" She questioned looking sickly. "Chef's secret." I said tapping my nose. "Okay for you, truth or dare?" Sapphire questioned. "Erm... truth please." I replied. "If you could change one thing about me what would it be." Sapphire smiled. "You know I love everything about you. But if I had to choose just one it would be you hiccups. As when you hiccup they are so loud and annoying." I laughed at my friend. Between laughter she said "Can I have truth too please." "Yes you can. So my question to you is are you completely over Josh now?" I said seriously. "Yes I am Ronni. It took a while because he really hurt me but I have finally recovered." She half smiled. I pulled her into a tight hug, and whispered that I was proud of her. "Okay truth or dare Ronnie?" She asked. "Dare Sapphire." I said feeling ready for anything. "Worship my feet." Sapphire commanded looking at me dead in the eye. I was prepared for anything, but not this...

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