03-1: The Restless Stars

Start from the beginning

She continued through the forest, seeking her traps and hoping for captured game; anything would do. It was late in the day already when she finally found a sprung trap with a catch still held. A hare, barely enough to feed one person. It would have to do.

She slung the hare over her shoulder, and made for her grandfather's hut. He too lived alone, deep in the forest, as far away as he could get from people without being too far to return if he needed. The hermit, they called him, those that knew he existed, but there weren't many of them left. He had been there for so long scarcely anybody remembered his name. Ryleine always made sure her route took her close enough to check on him.

That day he wasn't home. It wasn't unusual, he liked to take long walks. Ryleine wasn't worried. Instead, she sat down outside and started on the hare. She made short work of skinning it, cutting the fur just deep enough in the right places and then sliding the body out, leaving the hide almost perfectly intact. The meat she skewered, and cooked it over a small fire.

As her grandfather hadn't returned in time to share the meal warm, she cut the hare in half, eating her meagre share, and leaving the rest in his hut. If the animals didn't find it first, he would have something to eat when he returned home.

She couldn't wait any longer for him, she didn't want to wander the forests too long after sunset. Her next stop was Lerinton, where she could sell the fur and pick up a few supplies. She might even stop at the tavern before heading home.

*    *   *

"One dirty for that, it's barely mature."

"One black coin?" exclaimed Ryleine. "That will barely pay for a drink in the tavern."

"You don't need a drink, you need to eat something."

"Then you're going to need to pay me more than one black, aren't you?" she said. "That skin is worth five at least."

"Hah, I would be lucky to get four in Helen's Bay!"

"Fine, I will give it to you for three, and you will be robbing me."

"Here's two, now get the hell out of my store."

Ryleine gave up the negotiation and accepted the coins. It was definitely worth more, but she didn't have the patience to barter with merchants. She wasn't really interested in money, but she did need it in town. For one thing, she needed a new dagger with a sharp blade. Two black coins wouldn't buy her a decent one, but she had been saving up.

New dagger in hand, she headed for The Forest Gate, a favourite tavern on the outskirts of town. She dropped a single black coin on the bar, making a show of how few she possessed. The innkeeper showed a warm smile, as he always did. Deklow knew everybody around there. Everybody knew everybody around there, but he was a kind man, unlike many.

"Tough day?" he asked.

"Tough year," she agreed.

"You take a seat, I'll bring over a nice warm stew and something to drink."

She found an empty bench outside, and sat with her back to the table, gazing at the restless stars. She played with her hair, loosing and retying it several times. Even when her food arrived, her eyes looked up and followed the stars as she spooned the stew into her mouth.

The night sky always fascinated her. The stars forever wandering the heavens above, unable to stay still, a perpetual dance of a million lights above. Why did they move? What were they looking for? Were they watching her just as she watched them?

Perhaps they were simply unable to sleep, restlessly searching for a more comfortable position, perpetually rolling over in the dark blankets of the night sky. But if the legends held any truth, the gods always cast their gazes on the lives of those busying themselves below.

"Good evening, gorgeous."

A man sat himself next to her without request. She didn't recognise him; must have been from Helen's Bay. He was joined by another who sat on the other side of her, squeezing her uncomfortably between the two.

"I'm taken, gentlemen."

"You look to be alone right now."

Ryleine fingered the dagger in her pocket. It was new, still unused, and she didn't really want to taint it with human blood, but she was rather interested in pricking the man where it'd hurt the most. Luckily the innkeeper stepped in.

"There is a free table over there, you two should move to it. Trust me, you don't want to get on the wrong side of her husband."

Thankfully, they left without too much argument. They were opportunistic and, evidently, she wasn't a risk they were willing to take. She nodded her thanks to the innkeeper.

"Would you like another drink?" he asked, gesturing to her cup which was nearly empty.

"Not tonight, I'd best get going. Thank you."

She took another sip as she looked back up at the sky. The stars were swimming restlessly as ever, all except one. It stood still, low in the southern sky. She had seen it before, a few times. It hung there on occasion, almost as if it were watching her. But it looked different this time, it looked... bigger.

She held her eyes fixed on it for a while, trying to work out if she was going mad or if the star was getting brighter. Soon she was convinced. Easily the brightest star by then, it continued to grow as it began to descend towards the horizon. Moments later there was a flash, and the star fell out of the sky, plunging into Rordynne Forest. Her chance, she realised, to see for herself if the legends of the gods were nothing more than tales.

Glancing at the other tables she saw that nobody else seemed to have noticed the star falling from the sky, save for one elderly gentleman with a curiously sombre smile. Apart from him, none had turned their attention from the mugs of ale on the tables. Ryleine's curiosity was piqued, she felt drawn to the star, compelled to seek it.

She resolved to go search for it. Either she was long past insane, or she would find it. Downing the last sip of her drink, she jumped up and began jogging southwards. She was in such a rush that she didn't notice that she was being followed.

Ryleine's Tale continues in The Restless Stars part 2 >>>

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