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3rd POV, one month later
Y/N was walking through the city, he had a good over his head and he watched the ground. Meanwhile through the city there were military vehicles, and of course, Patel.
Military Officer: report any strange or dangerous beings to us, we will take care, a reward for turning in the blue creature is negotiable.
Virus: I think they are talking about us.
Y/N: mainly you.
Virus: listen, stop moping, we need to be at full strength.
Y/N: I'll do whatever I want.
He bumped into a female, making her fall.
Y/N: shit I'm sorry!
??????: oh it's fine.
Virus: Dive!
Y/N quickly did as a pink arm came from the female, barely missing him.
Serena: do you know what I have seen!?
Y/N: what are you!
The coat on her went off, revealing dozens of pink arms, she then pressed a button and a body suit went on her.

Serena: do you know what I have seen!?Y/N: what are you!The coat on her went off, revealing dozens of pink arms, she then pressed a button and a body suit went on her

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Y/N got up and looked at the multi armed woman.
Serena: this is the end for you test subject!
She slammed her arms down, Y/N rolled out of the way.
Y/N: Mask!
Virus: Copy!
The blue Symbiote came out of his body, people in the area began to scream in horror, alerting the military.
Virus: another one to fight? You will be like the Vulture Guy.
Serena: don't you ever bring him up!
She slammed the tentacles into the ground, making the concrete rise. The tentacle came out of the ground, uppercutting Virus into the building, in front of the military vehicles.
Y/N: what the hell!?
Virus: that's some Schnee Shit.
The vehicle began firing bullets, though Virus ran into the alleyway to avoid the shots.
Winter: where are you Murderer!?
Virus: she has got shit we have never seen.
Y/N: what are our chances?
Virus: hm....pretty much....zero
Y/N: ah fuck it, let's get her off our back.
Virus quickly climbed the building, across the street Serena did the same.
Serena: found you!
She jumped across the street and hit Virus. They went to the side of the building after the hit and growled. Her arms extended to make her more intimidating.
Serena: you don't stand a chance against me.
She launched her tentacles at Virus who caught them and began to pull. They pulled her off balance and used momentum to swing them over their head into the building, making it collapse.
Winter: there!
The vehicles gun turned itself to Virus and shot an explosive round, blasting the corner of the building.
Y/N: Holy Shit!
Virus: told you.
Virus looked to another building and jumped to it, another explosive round was shot, this time bringing the whole building down with Virus on top. They looked at their chest to have a metal pipe through it.
Virus: if we were inside of you this would've been real bad.
They pulled the pipe out and just laid there for a second, under the debris. From no where pink rants les came out and ripped the debris off.
Serena: here!
Winter walked up to Virus with a look of hatred.
Virus: a Schnee!
Serena: he's mine first, I'll give you what's left.
Winter: I'm a patient girl.
Serena grabbed Virus and slammed them into the pavement, she then jumped up and landed feet first on Virus' back, putting them through the pavement into the sewers. The water was moving fast, but that didn't stop the fight. Virus punched Serena in the face and put her head under the water. She caught her breath before getting punched square in the face again.
Serena: I'm going to rip your head off!
Virus: which one?
She punched Virus and used her tentacles to grab onto the ceiling. Virus grabbed her ankle and held on as the rushing water was going through.
Serena: get off me!
Virus: No, we won't let you get away that easily.
Serena: then die!
Two tentacles stabbed Virus right in the shoulder and it began cutting through, showing some of Y/N's skin.
Virus: nope, we need this.
Virus went through the pain and started to climb her.
Serena: get off!
Virus: say hi to the Vulture guy for me.
They balled up their fist and punched her so hard that her neck snapped backwards, the tentacles let go and Virus jumped to the wall as her dead body fell into the water and followed wherever the water was going. Virus looked at the ceiling of the sewer and punched it, they saw daylight and they climbed out. The Symbiote went back inside Y/N who looked around for civilians and military personnel.
Y/N: where the hell is everyone?
Within seconds there were laser sights all aiming for him, and the giant vehicles came around, Winter walked up to him.
Winter: you're coming with me.

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