"Or we just stay in bed all day?" Shawn asks, reconnecting our lips right after. „No..." I mumble while his hands stroke down my sides, a tingly feeling erupting in my whole body.

A squeal leaves my lips and I pull back as his hands retreated to my backside, squeezing lightly. „Shawn." I laugh, hitting his chest playfully before I get off his lap. „What?" he questions, an innocent look on his handsome face.

With my hands on my hips, I raise my eyebrows. Shawn just lifts his hands up in surrender, causing me to shake my head.

„Come on let's go now." I say, intertwining our hands to pull him with me inside of the hotel room. „Are you sure?" He asks, the smirk never leaving his lips. „Oh my god Shawn, stop it! And yes I'm sure." I scold him, throwing his jacket into his direction.

"But it's so fun to watch you trying not to blush, princess." Shawn laughs, walking over to me to press a kiss to my temple. Rolling my eyes, I push at his chest lightly, then slipping on a jacket myself.

"Mhm, now come on." I say, heading towards the door. „Wait, did you already take your medicine?" Shawn questions and I nod. „Yes I have, mom." I mock sticking my tounge out while strolling down the corridor into the lobby, next to Shawn.

"I'm just making sure." he pouts, gently lacing our fingers together as we walk out of the building. It's been two weeks since the day I suddenly fell unconscious.

Shawn told me completely worried that I suddenly couldn't stand anymore, then I started to breath heavily and then... well, that's the last thing I remember before I blacked out.

The next thing I'm able to recall, is waking up in a hospital bed with Shawn sitting besides me.

The doctors said it was really close... but for the past weeks, I felt pretty good and I didn't have many anxiety attacks or anything. So why is my body going crazy sometimes? It's like any second I could go from being okey to needing a new heart immediately. "I know Shawn." I exhale, gazing down at our intertwined hands. „I know."


„No, hazelnut is so much better. Like why do people like coffee ice cream?" I ask, scrunching my nose in disgust. Shawn only laughs, digging the little neon green colored spoon into his ice cream. Coffee ice cream...

"Who likes mint ice cream? That's disgusting, not coffee." Shawn comments, referring to my cup full of hazelnut and mint ice cream. What? That's the most delicious combination ever!

„You just don't have a good taste in like anything." I joke, putting the spoon into my mouth. „Well, I truly believe I have a good taste in girls. I mean, just look at you." Shawn replies, grinning. „Stop it."

"Stop what?" „Making it hard for me to be mean to you." I huff, eating another spoon of ice cream. Shawn chuckles, shaking his head which makes some of his curls on his forehead bounce.

„You are mean to me anyways a-„ Shawn starts but gets cut off by two girls, approaching our table in the small coffee shop we are at. Unintentionally, I roll my eyes.

Don't get me wrong. I think it's amazing how much he loves his fans and how supportive they are but sometimes I really wish he would be a normal guy.

Shawn seems to take notice of my annoyance, giving me an apologetic look as he stands up to take a picture with them. Sighing, I stand up too, throw my empty cup into a dustbin a few steps away from the table and as soon as I turn around again someone bumps into me.

"Watch where you are going." she spits and I realize it's the girl from our table half a minute ago. Anger bubbles up in me as I, of course 'not purposely', hit her elbow with mine, causing her coffee to spill over her white shirt.

"Are you b*tch f*cking serious? Don't you have eyes in your head?" she screeches and in the corner of my sight, I could see Shawn coming closer.

„You know what you little brat? I'm not letting 15 year olds with a horrible amount of make up clutched onto their faces, snap at me. So watch your mouths or it won't be just a coffee next time, hun." I warn, smiling exaggerated before he could interrupt me.

"F*ck you. You think you are something better just because he is your boyfriend huh? I still don't get what he wants from you but after what I saw he will stop being so dumb and leave you eventually. Even though I'm not sure he is able to grow so many brain cells. But I get why you keep up with that, I mean, at least he's hot."

Without thinking further, I lift my hand, slapping her across the face, a gasp leaving her red lipstick traced mouth while her hand holds her cheek. Who does she think she is? 

"Rose what the hell! Are you insane?" Shawn grumbles, as he eventually approached us. His face red with anger. „Really Shawn? She said-." „I don't f*cking care what she said. You can't just slap my fans or anyone in general." He adds, pulling me out of the cafe.

"Fans? That little -„ I start and again he cuts me off. „I don't care what she said or did, okey? Can't you stand over some stupid words of a 15 year old? You are the adult here, if I may remind you."

"And? Does that mean I have to let her talk about me and you like that? No I don't! See, again it's the same as always! You are only on the side of your precious „fans" not caring if they call your girlfriend b*tch or talk bad about you. As long as the fans are alright, it's okey. Isn't it like that Shawn?" I ask, my voice raised, not caring that some people are already looking at us.

"Rose, could you stop shouting and causing a scene? Why are you so childish sometimes?" Shawn says, trying to get me the car but I rip my arm out of his grip. „Let me go Shawn! I can't believe you." I chuckle drily, turning to walk into the other direction.

I don't know where this sudden anger came  from. Actually, I learned to ignore things like that but this girl just pushed me over the edge. „Rose, come here now! God, what is it with your mood swings lately?"

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