Chapter 1: Memories

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A light flashed.

That's all I am able to remember.

I woke up abruptly, sweat dripping off profusely from my furry neck to my body. I frantically removed my blanket and jump onto four paws and noticed that I was in my own bedroom. "Skye? Marshall? Zuma? Where are all of you?!" I shouted across the bedroom and noticed that my locker is unlocked.

I dashed towards the locker and noticed that only my M4 carbine and a box of 5.56mm rounds were inside. I picked it up and started reloading and cocked the gun. I felt strange... I thought I saw lights appearing in front of me when the nuclear striked, but how am I still in my bedroom? And why is my gun and ammunition the only items left in the locker?

I stood on two paws and started walking like a human, holding on to my gun. The door was left ajar.

Without further questioning myself, I used my paws and kicked the door wide open and dashed out to check if there are any contacts on either left or right. But no, the whole walkway was empty. There's no one. Empty. I continued running towards the main hallway. Once I reached the hallway, the whole place was a wreckage. Papers, broken weapons and trash were caught on fire around the place, as if a bomb was just exploded and destroyed every single thing in the area.

I can't focus well, this isn't happening. Why am I the only one that survived this? Whats going on...As I was thinking, some paw shoved me a bit on my back. I turned back and I saw Marshall. Wait...what?Marshall?

"Marshall?! Holy pup what happened to you what's going on?!" Marshall had a skull break on his right head and blood kept on oozing out from his skull. "You are our leader. You didn't protect us you stupid German sherperd! We died because of you!" Marshall exclaimed.

"Thats not true...Remember last time you confessed that we will be the closest brother forever? I was there for you no matter what, I dreamt of getting engulfed by my own feelings and I almost couldn't escape from my bad memories. I woke up every single time in different scenarios and I couldn't stop thinking how much I missed you. So how did I not treat you well? You tell me? I loved you so much like my very own brother do you know that?" I exclaimed as I pulled my rifle out and pointed at him.

"That's it?..." Marshall coughed out blood profusely. "After all these time you cared about is still Skye. I'm just some stranger to you that could be thrown into deep water and sink right to the bottom...Haven't I done enough?! I missed you do you know that?!..." Marshall said as he shoved me.

I stared at him sorrowfully.

I never felt so bad in my life before. I remember that scene. Marshall almost left paw patrols because of me. I have those bad memories because of me. I have to face my BEST FRIEND now to even see him dying. I know I'm a merely 7years old pup...but I have feelings to. So what if I trained to a sergeant in the police unit? I lost a Best Friend....

Marshall stared at me focusly and i saw him crying profusely.

"Just do it's okay..."

I pulled out my M4 slowly, my hands started to shake as I cry. I really couldn't do it, I couldn't...

I cried softly and sang: "In dark of night, in light of day, they the PAW Patrol will serve Adventure Bay. From runaway trains to stranded whales, they'll rush to the rescue with wagging tails. If danger is near, just give a yelp! The PAW Patrol is here to help!"

I cocked my M4, at ease, aimed my weapon at Marshall and said:

"I will never betray or kill my own brothers."

I pointed the gun at myself instead and I pressed the trigger.

"CHASSEEE!!!... " Marshall said as the sound faded far that I couldn't hear them anymore...


"Chasseeee!!!" I woke up again as I heard that a dozen times.
This time I was in a hospital. With all my buddies.
"Guys? I thought I was dead?" I mumbled as I stared at them.
Everyone except Marshall were there. "We found you lying next to Marshall and he was dead! We managed to save you!" Ryder exclaimed.
"Yes and I remembered seeing you running into the fire with your gun somewhere along the hallway." Rocky said.

"Yea...I was...wait, what?" I said softly. "You were running into the fire because Skye and Marshall was in the fire during that point of time." Rocky said.

Wait. Something's wrong. I wasn't running into the fire...I was searching for an exit when I saw Marshall almost died on the floor...Skye wasn't around that time. So what is this nonsense.

I thought to myself and I noticed that my M4 was beside me. It was fully loaded. I figured out somehow. "I see...I kind of recalled. Thanks for visiting me guys." I lied as I was trying to recall. Which I believe they see it through. Something is not right here. How did I even ended up in the hospital when a nuclear apocalypse occurred, and Marshall was dead?

I mumbled to myself softly as I noticed everyone is around except for Skye and Marshall. Ryder was holding on to some sharp object behind his back, Rocky and Zuma as well. They are hiding something...What the actual...?

"Guys...? Whats going on?" I cleared my throat as I said.

"Nothing Chase. Everything's okay now, your fine. For NOW..." Ryder said in an increased tone.

I noticed immediately and felt petrified.

Oh crap.

I reached for my gun and cocked my M4. But Ryder immediately stepped onto my hands with his legs when I tried to reach my gun. I groaned with pain and Ryder pointed the knife at me and said: "We treated you as a family, now you want to do this to Marshall? Killing him in the hallway with his skull cracked?! Escaping when everyone is in trouble in the lookout?!" Ryder shouted as he jabbed the knife onto my torso. I couldn't take the pain. I yelled and screamed and immediately said: "I always did the best for paw patrol and treated you guys as families...why would I kill marshall and I pledged...I pledged!..." I saw blood flowing out from my torso to my tail. "I will never do that to anyone Ryder.... you guys know me well!" I said as Rocky and Zuma pulled a gun out and pointed on my head. "We know. We know. Chase. Life isn't fair you know that?"

Rocky said softly to my ears and the next moment, gunshots were heard.

I see fire. A huge fire....

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