« Chapter Two; Curious

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"You what?!"

"Yoongi, please– hear me out, I was just being curious!"

"To hell you were!"

Just a while ago, Namjoon had confessed everything he had done earlier that day to Yoongi; how he swam over by the shore and might of been spotted by another being.

"Fuck," Yoongi cursed under his breath, slowly pacing back and forth with the strength of his tail in front of the other. Where the other one, who was being scolded on, was sitting and watching Yoongi starting to visibly gain stress and anger. "Yoongi, It's not that bad," Namjoon spoke up, still observing each of Yoongi's motions.

"Not that bad?!" Yoongi snapped, "Do you know how much trouble you– or even all of us– could get into?" Namjoon sighed softly and looked away from the angry creature. "Like I said," Namjoon said back, he too was starting to get mad, "I'm more than a hundred percent sure that no one saw me go out the border of the city! And I'm also sure that whatever was out there didn't see me either!"

Now, as a water spirit- or commonly known as mermaids and mermen- you have many responsibilities and rules to obey. The most important rule being to never go out of the city's border. There was really no public reasoning behind why residents shouldn't cross it, but they were all promised death if they were caught doing it; which is a huge fear amongst the water creatures.

However, there is an actual reasoning why they couldn't cross the border. Two words: history and war. In the past, humans and water spirits had shared many history with eachother. And this 'history' wasn't exactly 'good history' either. They fought a lot, catalysting multiple wars to break out. It wasn't hard to assume that both of the species didn't like each other as a whole.

However, one thing led to another and both of them agreed to sign a treaty. But, the most important rule laid on that treaty would be that they would never encounter each other ever again.

So, humans and mermaids plus mermen became disconnected from one another- making each of their governments to keep the existence of the other species hidden. It was simple, Humans didn't believe in water spirits and water spirits didn't believe in humans.

Yoongi stopped in his tracks, swimming over to Namjoon with a stern look on his face. "What exactly do you mean by 'whatever was out there', Namjoon?" Yoongi asked. "I mean, I'm not saying it's true or anything, but," Namjoon leaned in, "I might've seen a human." Yoongi sighed loudly, pulling back with more anger, "Great, now he's completely lost his mind. You're just turning into Hoseok now, are you going to–"

As of in cue, Hoseok busted into the room, almost blinding the others with his bright, yellow, merman tail. "Yo, Namjoon- I was looking for you! Your crab was acting so strange today. He was like humping my tail all day, or something.. can crabs even–" that's when Hoseok laid his eyes upon Yoongi, lowering his voice and whispering just enough to be heard by both of them, "is this not the right time?" Namjoon couldn't help himself but to let out a small chuckle after Hoseok's timing.

The annoyed merman sighed, crossing his arms in, you guessed it, annoyance. "Namjoon here, decided it would be a smart idea to leave the city borders," Yoongi brought up, speaking to Hoseok. "Yo, Joon! That's badass-! What'd you see, please tell me there were humans," Hoseok almost yelled, pulling a hand out for a high five- receiving one from Namjoon right after.

See, Hoseok were one of those 'conspiracy theorist' on the existence of humans. There were many of his kind, always questioning the government and its secrets. Yoongi, of course, found this to be dumb. Why would the government hide something like another species to them? It was just dumb.

Yoongi only sighed at Hoseok's actions, which were also expected. "I mean I did see–" Namjoon started, but quickly got cut off by Yoongi. "Listen, first of all there are no such things as these 'human beings,'" he said, making actual quotation marks with his fingers, "and second, if you guys want to nerd about mythical creatures- please for the love of Poseidon, don't do it here."

Hoseok quickly shrugged at Namjoon, mouthing the words 'I'm sorry' to him before swimming over to Yoongi and hugging him from behind. "What's wrong?" Hoseok asked, placing a small kiss on Yoongi's cheek. Namjoon could only gag at this behavior. Though he's been living with his best friends for about three years, the public affection they had always shown around him made him feel terribly awkward.

"Ah, it's nothing," Yoongi looked at Hoseok, "just a little stressed over everything, especially from Namjoon." It felt like the sitting merman wasn't even acknowledged at the scene. "Hm, how about I help you feel less tense?" "You guys can't be fucking serious," Namjoon seriously couldn't even bare to be in the same room as them. So, being the guy he is- he 'stood up' and swam away towards his room.

Before he could completely arrive at his room, Yoongi called out, less annoyed: "Namjoon, just don't think about anything about the border-" he let out a giggle from whatever Hoseok was doing at that moment, "or anything- just don't get yourself in trouble, please."

"Mhm, got you- won't go over the borders. You both have fun," Namjoon added before swimming over to the mirror, taking out a dull stone and slamming another smaller stone with it, making small and elaborate carvings on it. Not only is Namjoon writing a 'plan', but this would also help him avoid the noises his best friends are- or will be making.

Oh, Namjoon was definitely going over the border again. He had to know what was out there. For discovery, of course.

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hahahehehoho, I hate this already :)

hahahehehoho, I hate this already :)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2021 ⏰

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