"It did indeed leave a statement and knowing him there was no evidence to link you to it in any way so there is nothing to worry about."

"I bet 100 bucks and my next slice of pizza that they think her quirk controls people" Tomura calls from his place by the bar before shoving a large spoon of ice cream into his mouth.

"Ha I take you up on that!, I say they think she herself is being controlled" Dabi retaliates.

"You're on" they glare at each other before falling down into the couch nearly crushing toga who lies below it.

Noriko decides to stay up with her friends and falls asleep on the couch with them around one in the morning since they decided to watch yet another movie. This one, however, was much less depressing and cliffhanger-y. Tomura Shigaraki brings the small girl to her room, he keeps the lights on knowing full well her quirk won't work well tomorrow with the small amount of sleep she has been getting. He removes the bangle bracelets around her small wrists and the thin choker necklace from around her neck so it doesn't actually choke her while she sleeps.

He turns back to her when he's standing at the door and whispers "Goodnight Nori-chan". Then he walks out and to his own room preparing to sleep, tomorrow is a big day for him after all.

Noriko wakes once again with limited quirk abilities and extreme exhaustion, but today was important and very exciting. Noriko had used her quirk to see documents that only the principal and teachers would have otherwise had access to. Through this she found out her class was going on a field trip to the USJ that would be supervised by of course her homeroom teacher; Aizawa-sense, #13, and finally All Might. During the field trip Shigaraki was going to bring a group of villains to fight the children along with two Nomu to fight All might.

Once again Kurogiri had to bring Noriko closer to U.A. than he would have liked to but her lack of sleep made it unavoidable.

She walked into class and successfully fooled the entire class into being surprised about the day's field trip and faked that she was not disastrously exhausted. After the announcement about the trip, Aizawa-sensei told the class to pick a representative for the student government. Unlike in normal schools, everyone was thrilled about the idea of being a representative, a screaming contest ensued. Everyone wanted to be a representative and nobody was willing to listen to anyone else. This prompted the loudest of the responsible 1A classmates to call order to the class, he suggested that they do a vote for the representative. One of the students claimed that they couldn't because they knew nothing about each other, so the vote turned into people creating miniature campaigns for themselves. Some students did not want to be representative but others did.

The vote hailed Noriko Sachiko as the President with Tenya Ilda as the vice. The class had no problems with this and the electees were more than glad for the opportunity to serve the group.

Shortly afterwards, lunch began prompting everyone to leave the classroom in favor of the food-filled cafeteria. Bakugou took the small girl from her seat putting her on his shoulders like he had the day before then brought her to his cafeteria table to sit with him and his 'Bakusquad' which consisted of him, Mina, Sero, Kirishima, and Kaminari.

She shared her flaming hot curry with her equally hot-headed friend. He was impressed by her heat tolerance and aggressively demanded that she come to his house for dinner some time to have curry with him and his family.

Sero asked about her choker necklace and she explained that her mother gave it to her when she got her quirk, the eye symbolizing the sight power she had attained the day she turned four.

Lunch passed in a blink and son they were already on the bus headed to the rescue training facility. Noriko was tempted to sleep on the ride there but she didn't want them to have to try, and fail to wake her up so she stayed conscious the entire time.

The Villains home base was filled with villains, all getting ready to fight in their raid against All Might.

"Listen up," Shigaraki called "we have an inside girl, She is wearing a black choker with an eye on it, attack her so as not to raise suspicion but don't do anything to seriously injure her or you will have hell to pay, and don't think she won't fight back against any advances because she will" after his announcement he signaled Kurogiri to open the portal to the USJ.

Once it was open he lead the advance into the rescue dome.

Aizawa had asked #13 if All Might was going to be in attendance only to be disgusted by the fact he had wasted his energy on the way to school rendering him unable to arrive until later.

#13 began their speech about how deadly a person's quirk can be, using their own as an example, his black hole can certainly kill but even so they use it to rescue people in their role as a hero.

Their speech was interrupted by a large portal forming in the center of the plaza, Kirishima noticed it and pointed it out.

"Those are villains, stay put" Aizawa-sensei shouted to the class before instructing #13 to protect the students from any harm that may befall them. Noriko had to fight the urge to smirk, she had extended her quirk to its current limit which was just far enough to see her compatriots enter the dome.

There as a flurry of questions for Aizawa-sensei so he answered them the best he was able and instructed Kaminari to try to reach the main campus with his quirk. Then the Pro leapt into action with a single sentence of response to Midoriya's doubts.


They were here, it was beginning. I'm so excited, I hope Gaki told them not to kill me though. I don't want my parents getting mad at me for getting hurt, they're pretty scary when they get angry.

Kuro appears in front of us and I am overjoyed to see him. I was really out of it this morning and just want to jump on, and hug him. But I know I have to stay put so I climb on top of one of my invisible classmate.

"Hello, we are the league of villains, and we have come here today with the intention of killing your symbol of peace; All Might, However, it seems he is not in attendance which is odd, our informant is never wrong, nonetheless my job remains unchanged" I giggled slightly at him as he worked so hard at being intimidating. It didn't suit him, he was much better at being a doting parent than being a scary child killing villain.

I was knocked off of Hagakure-chan's shoulders by the wind and people flailing in the warp portal. I ended up someplace all by myself with the exception of the villains surrounding me. I shrank my quirk radius so I could see them very well but nothing else.

"Is she the kid?" I heard someone whisper.

"She's got to be, see the necklace?"


"A'ight kid, we got orders not to kill you, but we're goin' to attack you so get ready 'cause we ain't goin' easy on ya" his accent was lilting and kind of confusing but I was able to figure it out.

"Okay, I won't go easy on you either then" I replied with a bright smile, "If you make it out of this let's be friends okay?" I asked they seemed like good people so I really wanted to get to know them better.

"A'ight then, it's a deal" then he launched himself at me, I jumped out of the way and expanded my quirk range since they had spread out more, It was hard and slightly painful and I was already tired but I don't want to lose.

I set the die that day- bnha x villain ocWhere stories live. Discover now