"I never even asked," Liv said suddenly as she stared at Remus through her bedroom mirrors reflection, who was sat on the floor sorting through her clothes, "what subject are you teaching?"

"Defence Against the Dark Arts," he replied sour faced, holding up a dreadfully short black skirt, "why on earth would you need to take this?"

"Gryffindor parties," Liv shrugged, going back to perfecting her eyeliner in the mirror, "God, if you're gonna be this critical I'll pack myself,"

"Right..... Gryffindor parties,"

"So," Liv said, chucking her makeup bag next to the pile ready to be shoved into her trunk, "are you taking the train too?"

"Yes, but you don't have to sit with me,"

"Don't be ridiculous, of course I'm sitting with you," Liv yawned, "although I'll probably sleep the entire ride,"

"Dumbledore thinks taking the train will be easiest, but also wants me nearby, you know, after Sirius' escape,"

"You needn't worry," he added quickly, seeing Liv's shocked expression, "to be honest I don't think he even knows you exist, so he won't be after either of us,"

"Well then who is he after?"

"The ministry and Dumbledore are under the impression he's after Harry," Remus said stonily.


"Not to worry, Hogwarts is perfectly safe- he won't be able to get to him,"

Remus clicked her trunk shut with a flick of his wand, "Dumbledore doesn't want anyone knowing about you and Sirius, or you and me. For your own safety. I agree, I've seen first hand how others can be treated just because their family aren't the greatest people. I don't know how people would react knowing you're the daughter of the man who's face is plastered all over Britain,"

Liv felt strange seeing her fathers disappointed face, she hadn't thought how her friends would react, or if they actually caught on and figured it out themselves. Would the fact Liv was a Gryffindor, ambitious and full of courage, be overlooked by the fact she was essentially related to the enemy- the rival of the wizarding world?

Yet Gryffindors didn't take disloyalty lightly, Liv wondered why the sorting had hadn't thrown her straight into Slytherin being filled with her mother and fathers cunning blood, at least being related to people like that would be some what expected, at least accepted more. No friendships would be ruined then, because Liv was sure as hell her friendship with Harry Potter would never again be the same again.

"Are we ready to head off?" asked Remus, ready with her trunk in his hand.

Liv spun round, a little flushed from her thoughts, "yes, yes! I'll be down in a minute, I'll let you say goodbye,"

Remus nodded, leaving Liv alone with her thoughts. She stayed in her room for as long as she could manage, Liv was far too excited to go back to Hogwarts to stay cooped up in her room. She skipped downstairs to where Kaia was sat on the counter, teary eyed with her legs warpped around Remus' waist. "You look so smart," she was whispering as she straightened up Remus' travelling robe.

"It's only a year, you'll be alright,"

Remus kissed Kaia. Liv turned away in disgust.

"I won't keep you long," Kaia smiled sweetly, "goodbye, Professor, I'll be here waiting for you when you get back,"

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